IMPRS news archive

Students with an excellent Bachelor degree, who are interested in our IMPRS ProEng structured PhD program, can apply for a scholarship to pursue their Master studies at the Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg.
Applications for the Fall semester 2025 are expected to start in fall 2024.[more]
Choose from a wide range of services, which support you in your daily scientific work.[more]
A list of all articles about the successful PhD defences of our IMPRS students.[more]
A listing of all articles introducing our (former) researchers.[more]
IMPRS Workshop 2024 in Schkopau
Three days of scientific exchange and social activities [more]
New IMPRS PhD representatives elected 2024
The new PhD representatives were both elected with a great turnout.[more]
Successful PhD Defence!
Adnan Hayat successfully defended his PhD thesis! His research focused on Forced Periodic Non-isothermal Operation of Chromatographic Columns.[more]
Successful PhD Defence!
Ronny Zimmermann successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic of “Computer-Aided Catalyst Pellet Design for Load-Flexible Fixed-Bed Reactor Operation”[more]
Successful PhD Defence
Bruno Morabito’s research focused on “Approaches for multi-modes state estimation and model predictive control”[more]
Successful PhD Defence
Research focused on mathematical modelling applied to pharmaceutical processes[more]
Successful PhD Defence
Research focused on modelling, optimization, control, and estimation methods for metabolic cybergenetics[more]
Annual Review of 2023
The year 2023 at the IMPRS[more]
Exploring Scientific Collaborations at Carnegie Mellon University
A Research Journey to Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, USA[more]
A PhD Student's Experience in Princeton, New Jersey, US
A Research Stay at Princeton University
Successful PhD Defense
Research focused on development of new tools for the process design in terms of Green Chemistry and their application on a selected example reaction[more]
Hurry up: Registrations are open for new soft skills trainings
The winter semester 2020/ 2021 brings several qualification opportunities for PhD students. The whole program is online, and applications are still open for some courses.[more]
Introducing one of our doctoral researchers: Edgar Alberto Alcalá Orozco
The scientific focus of Edgar Alberto Alcalá Orozco revolves around the development of enzymatic processes for the synthesis of activated sugars and human milk oligosaccharides[more]
Francesca Cascella honoured best Ph.D. student of the Department of Process and Systems Engineering in 2022
Research on chiral molecules at the solid state and the design of crystallisation processes[more]
Francesca Cascella ist beste Doktorandin der Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik des Jahres 2022
Forschung zu chiralen Molekülen im festen Zustand und zur Gestaltung von Kristallisationsprozessen[more]
Introducing one of our doctoral researchers: Nicolas Huber
Research focused on cell-free enzymatic cascades[more]
New IMPRS PhD representatives elected 2022
The new IMPRS PhD Representatives have been elected with a great result[more]
Successful PhD Defence
Research focused on Model Order Reduction and A Posteriori Error Estimation [more]
The IMPRS Call 2022 is open for application!
From October 10, until November 20, 2022 you can apply for one of the open PhD Positions[more]
New Call for IMPRS PhD candidates will start soon!
From October 10 until November 20, 2022 candidates are welcome to apply.[more]
IMPRS Workshop 2022 in Wernigerode
The IMPRS Researchers spent 3 days in Wernigerode for scientific exchange and social activities[more]
Successful PhD defence
Research focused on limitations and changes in molecular dynamics simulations[more]
Ten Years of the Ladies Night for Women in Engineering Sciences!
The annual event provided a stage for fruitful discussions and thoughts[more]
Introducing one of our doctoral researchers: Tamara Miličić.
Research focused on proton exchange membrane water electrolysis (PEMWE)[more]
Next IMPRS Seminar - Online Talk by Irina Zenyuk
Join the next IMPRS seminar to learn more about oxygen distribution in the porous transport layer of the proton exchange membrane electrolyzer[more]
Introducing one of our PhD researchers: Zunain Ayaz
His research has its roots in the challenges of global warming[more]
The Selection Process for the IMPRS Call 2021 is over!
New PhD researchers were chosen after the final day of the selection process[more]
Introducing one of our PhD researchers: Annemarie Lehr
Lehr performs experiments that can contribute to the understanding and optimization of continuous extraction processes for anti-malaria drugs[more]
The Pre-Selection Process of the IMPRS Call 2021 is over!
All candidates were already informed of their results.[more]
Soon: the start of the next Call for PhD positions
The next call will last from 7th October until 18th November.[more]
The IMPRS Call 2021 is closed
The received documents are currently under review.[more]
Successful Phd Defence
Research focused on chiral molecules at the solid state and the design of crystallisation processes.[more]
Successful PhD Defence
Petar Andonov focused on a set-based controller design approach [more]
Successful PhD Defence
Andreas Himmel focused on a novel operating strategy for dynamical process operations and the sizing of storage devices.[more]
Apply now: Call for applications is open!
The call for applications is open from October 7 - November 18, 2021.[more]
The IMPRS Summer School 2021 was a great success!
Various lectures and tutorials on Machine learning attracted the interest of a diverse group of participants[more]
Successful PhD Defense
Christian Kallies focused on on an explicit solution approach for optimal control problems.[more]
New PHD representatives elected
Alberto Alcalá and Adnan Hayat are the new IMPRS PhD representatives![more]
IMPRS Summer School 2021
Join this year's Summer School on the topic of "Machine Learning for Process and Systems Engineering"[more]
Successful PhD Defence
Jennifer Uebbing focused on the power-to-methane process and the pressure swing adsorption.[more]
Next IMPRS Seminar - Online Talk
Join the next IMPRS Seminar about prediciting performances of Li-on batteries just by looking at the images![more]
New format: IMPRS Dialogue
The new format was well received and many IMPRS students participated[more]
Ladies Night for Women in Engineering Sciences 2021
A varied program and interested participants - the Ladies Night was a complete success.[more]
<p>Prof. Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern appointed as Fellow of the International Adsorption Society</p>
In honour of the significant contributions he has made to the adsorption science community[more]
IMPRS Workshop 2020
Students and Professors met for the annual workshop in Wörlitz. Three days full of scientific exchange, new ideas and community.[more]
IMPRS Chess Championship
Here are the results of the first Chess Championship.

Successful PhD Defence
Banafsheh Jabarivelisdeh researched on "Bioprocess Optimization and Control using Dynamic Constraint-based Models".[more]
Prof. Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern receives Science Award for Affordable Green Chemistry
For contributing to the development of sustainable and affordable malaria therapies from plants, air and light[more]
Prof. Seidel-Morgenstern received Science Award for Affordable Green Chemistry
For contributing to the development of sustainable and affordable malaria therapies from plants, air and light.[more]
Results of the IMPRS Call 2020
The selection processs is over. 11 candidates were selected for new IMPRS students.[more]
Successful PhD Defence
Jens Bremer researched on Advanced Operating Strategies for Non-Isothermal Fixed-Bed Reactors Exemplified for CO2 Methanation.[more]
IMPRS Call 2020 is closed
Documents are currently under review.
The next Call is in autumn 2021.[more]
Call 2020
Apply until Nov 12, 2020 for the IMPRS. We offer PhD positions in Engineering and Mathematics. [more]
Ladies Night Award
Young scientist received the Ladies Night Award for her work in the area of security and hazard defense.[more]
IMPRS events
We are working on new formats for our IMPRS events.[more]
Online events
Take part in our events, even if you stay at home.[more]
Former IMPRS student research on Advance Gene Therapy Manufacturing
Scientists of the Bioprocess Engineering group receive a €1.1 Million Startup Grant for their project ContiVir.[more]
Call closed
The IMPRS Call is closed now. Documents are under review[more]
New call opened
December 23, 2019
New call for PhD students opened! Apply until January 19, 2020 for our structured PhD program.
April 6, 2020
The Pre-Selection for the new IMPRS students is over.[more]
New online events during home office period
Take part in our events, even if you stay at home.[more]
Scientific Skill Courses 2020
“If you’re not learning, you’re not reaching your potential.” – Jim Rohn (motivational coach). In order to follow John Rohn's advice the IMPRS offers new courses.[more]
Mr. Stein appointed as Honorary Professor
Recognition of Research and Teaching in Computational Chemistry[more]
Mr. Stein appointed as Honorary Professor
Recognition of Research and Teaching in Computational Chemistry[more]
Tandem Talk
IMPRS - students present their reaserch findings.[more]
IMPRS selection process completed
May 27, 2019
Seven candidates have been accepted for the IMPRS ProEng program[more]
Dr.-Ing. Teng Zhou appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Dr.-Ing. Teng Zhou, team leader in the Process Systems Engineering research group, has been appointed as a Junior Professor in the field of Computer-Aided Material and Process Design in the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.[more]
Dr.-Ing. Teng Zhou appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Dr.-Ing. Teng Zhou, team leader in the Process Systems Engineering group, has been appointed as a Junior Professor in the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering. The aim is to develop new and better materials for engineering applications.[more]
New Spokesperson of the IMPRS
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Sundmacher is the new IMPRS spokesperson. After 6 years Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern finished his term on August 30, 2019. Since 2013 he was the spokesperson of the IMPRS.[more]
New Spokesperson of the IMPRS
September 19, 2019
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Sundmacher is the new IMPRS spokesperson.[more]
6th IMPRS Summer School
August 25, 2019

6th IMPRS Summer School "Particulate Systems: From Theory to Application"[more]
Summer School 2019
April 29, 2019
Registration for Summer School 2019 is open now.[more]
Dr. Pawan Goyal awarded with the Dr.-Klaus-Körper Award 2019
Prize given by the GAMM, International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, in appreciation of an excellent dissertation in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.[more]
First IMPRS conference attracts more than 80 participants from 17 institutes and eight countries to Magdeburg
March 20, 2019
PhD students and young professionals discussed future trends of Process Engineering at YCOPE 2019[more]
IMPRS receives a total of 116 applications
March 4, 2019
Call for new students is now closed, and documents are currently under review[more]
<br />Björn-Johannes Harder successfully defends PhD thesis
Research sheds light on how to transform the current petrochemical industry into a more sustainable bio-based chemical industry[more]
Pawan Goyal awarded for best Ph.D. Thesis in Mathematics in 2018
Dr. Pawan Goyal, mathematician and alumnus of the International Max Planck Research School Magdeburg, was awarded the prize for the best Ph.D. thesis in 2018 within the Faculty of Mathematics by the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.[more]
Francesca Cascella awarded for best poster in international workshop in France
Distinction was obtained at the 25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), Rouen[more]
Dr. Jessica Bosch awarded the Otto Hahn Medal
Prestigious prize for junior scientists of the Max Planck Society was given for her work on the development of fast and robust solvers for phase field problems from many application areas[more]
IMPRS opens new social media channel
Now you can also follow us and get in touch with our scientists at the Linkedin professional platform[more]
Ladies Night for Women in Engineering Sciences
IMPRS contributes to event that aims to support young female scientists with a focus on women’s career paths[more]
Dr. Matthias Stein was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Dr. Matthias Stein, head of the research group Molecular Simulations and Design at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems Magdeburg, has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).[more]
IMPRS scientists meet for workshop in Goslar
Students presented their latest findings during the school's annual scientific retreat[more]
Fighting Malaria with Green Chemical Synthesis
A new production process could make the active ingredient artemisinin available to millions of malaria patients all over the world[more]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Kienle erhält Forschungspreis 2017 der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Prof. Achim Kienle beschäftigt sich mit neuen Ansätzen zur mathematischen Beschreibung komplexer Prozesssysteme, zum Beispiel für die Herstellung von Biopolymeren in Mikroorganismen. Jetzt wurde er mit dem Forschungspreis der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg für seine Verdienste geehrt.[more]
Robert Dürr awarded by the Otto von Guericke University for best Ph.D. thesis
Dr.-Ing. Robert Dürr, alumnus of the IMPRS Magdeburg, was awarded by the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg for the best Ph.D. thesis 2017 within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.[more]
Petar Mlinarić appointed as GAMM Junior
Petar Mlinarić, mathematician and doctoral student in the International Max Planck Research School Magdeburg, has been named a GAMM Junior by the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.[more]
After seven years in Magdeburg, he assumes position in Computational Science[more]
DECHEMA Student Awards for Susann Triemer and Karsten Rätze
Susann Triemer and Karsten Rätze, scientists at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg and members of the IMPRS Magdeburg, have been each awarded with the DECHEMA Student Awards for excellently graduating in the areas of "Chemical Process Engineering/Chemical Engineering".[more]

PhD SummerNet 2017

September 13, 2017
Present your research in 5 minutes and improve your network[more]
"Decision making and uncertainty” lie at the core of the 5<sup>th</sup> IMPRS Summer School
Renowned experts from the industry and the academic fields of Applied Mathematics and Process Systems Engineering discussed current research concerning the topic "Decision making and uncertainty” through lectures and practical tutorials, offering new insights for advanced research work.[more]
Otto Hahn Medal for Dr. Matthias Voigt
Award by the Max Planck Society is given for the research on a new and closed theory and the related calculus for the analysis and optimal control of descriptor systems[more]
Dr. Teng Zhou awarded by China Scholarship Council
Dr.-Ing. Teng Zhou has been granted the 2016 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad by the Chinese Scholarship Council for his academic excellence in his Ph.D. studies overseas.[more]
Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter nominated to the OVGU Numerical Mathematics <span id="result_box" lang="en"></span>Application chair
His research brings mathemathical models to closer uses in the medicine[more]
<div>ERC Consolidator Grant: Two Million Euro from European Research Council to Steffen Klamt </div>
The European Research Council has announced on 13th December 2016 the awarding of its Consolidator Grants to 314 top researchers in Europe, among them Steffen Klamt, head of the Analysis and Redesign of Biological Networks group at MPI Magdeburg. The grant of 2 million Euro enables the group to take on the challenge in their research project Enforced ATP wasting as a general design principle to rationally engineer microbial cell factories.[more]
Mathematician Dr. Martin Stoll awarded with Richard von Mises Prize
In acknowledgement of his scientific achievements in the field of applied mathematics, Dr. Martin Stoll, head of the Numerical Linear Algebra for Dynamical Systems group at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg, was awarded today with the Richard von Mises Prize 2016 by the GAMM (International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics). He was honoured especially for his research on fast iterative solvers for PDE-constrained optimization. The awarding ceremony took place within the 87th GAMM Conference and Joint  Annual Meeting of GAMM and DMV in Braunschweig.[more]
Absolventen der International Max Planck Research School Magdeburg mehrfach ausgezeichnet
Gleich vier Auszeichnungen der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg gingen in diesem Jahr an Absolventen der International Max Planck Research School Magdeburg. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Berg, Maschinenbauingenieur, Dr.-Ing. Philipp Rumschinski, Verfahrenstechnikingenieur, und Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Voigt, Mathematiker, wurde der Preis für die beste Dissertation ihrer Fakultät verliehen. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Berg wurde zudem der Klaus-Erich-Pollmann-Forschungsförderpreis verliehen, der mit 5.000 EUR dotiert ist. Alle drei Wissenschaftler haben in der International Max Planck Research School Magdeburg (IMPRS) promoviert und erhielten den Preis für ihre exzellenten Forschungsleistungen auf hohem wissenschaftlichen Niveau.[more]
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