Ladies Night for Women in Engineering Sciences
IMPRS contributes to event that aims to support young female scientists with a focus on women’s career paths
Save the Date: the next Ladies Night for Women in Engineering Science is coming soon. The initiative is part of an Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU) effort to support young female scientists with a focus on women’s career paths. The event was initially brought to life by the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering (FVST) and the Student Council of the in 2012, as the FVST Ladies Night and began with approximately 20 participants.
Today, in cooperation with several organizations, such as the IMPRS, the Ladies Night for Women in Engineering Sciences accompanies the Career Day for Women in Life Sciences, which has been taking place annually in Magdeburg at the medical faculty and the Leibniz Institute since 2014, with contributions from the engineering field of the MINT subjects offered at the OVGU.
The whole programme is to be announced soon.