Selected Collaborations and Projects

Here, we highlight our current collaborations and funded projects.

Projects of the state of Saxony-Anhalt

Research Cluster SmartProSys
Intelligent process systems for green, carbon-based chemical production in a sustainable society. The SmartProSys research initiative aims to use new methods and approaches to create a basis for the process engineering processes of tomorrow's chemical industry. more


Research Center Dynamic Systems: Systems Engineering more

Central MPG projects

ALLS: Artificial Life-Like Systems
Max Planck Research Network in Synthetic Biology more
Max Planck Research Network on Big-Data-driven Materials Science more
Max Planck Research Network on Energy Systems more
Max Planck School: Matter of Life
The Max Planck School Matter to Life has formed an innovative network of German organizations for excellent graduate education. Through access to leading research institutions and universities, students receive a first-class education and learn from world-renowned scientists. more
esearch project on chemical recycling of polyamides (PA6, PA12), including identification of solvent-catalyst systems and energy demand optimization more
MPG lighthouse project: DIP-VAC
A new class of antiviral drugs and live intranasal influenza vaccines - in-depth biological characterization and first steps towards clinical trials (in cooperation with OVGU). more
Cooperation program EIRENE
Support for Ukrainian scientists more
IMPRS for Advanced Methods in Process and Systems Engineering
In close cooperation with Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, the IMPRS ProEng has been supporting talented doctoral students with a structured doctoral program and excellent research conditions since 2007. more

DFG projects

GRK 2297: Mathematische Komplexitätsreduktion
Mathematical Complexity Reduction - MathCoRe more

BMBF and BWK projects

German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure more
H2Mare / Power-to-X Wind
H2Mare: Wind turbines with integrated electrolyzer demonstrate sustainable hydrogen production at sea more
EXIST Forschungstransfer I: SynGlyco
The start-up "eversyn" is developing a technology to synthesize nucleotide sugars and produce human milk oligosaccharides for the food and pharmaceutical industries more

European projects

ERC Proof-of-Concept Project “TRANSMETECH”
Translating a new metabolic engineering strategy to industrial biotech applications more

It is the policy of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems (MPI-DCTS) that no indirect costs are allowed in the case of a cooperation within the framework of a joint research project in which a cooperation contribution is paid by MPI-DCTS.
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