Media Library

Media Library

Brief Introduction of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems Magdeburg - basic research in the engineering sciences Our research activities focus on the investigation and development of new approaches for the synthesis, analysis and control of highly complex processes in biotechnology, chemical production, and energy conversion.

Brief Introduction of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems Magdeburg - basic research in the engineering sciences Our research activities focus on the investigation and development of new approaches for the synthesis, analysis and control of highly complex processes in biotechnology, chemical production, and energy conversion.

Videos and Media Contributions

Scientists of the institute present their research.  
Directors and employees of the institute talk in interviews about their research and their life.  
Contributions of the Max Planck Institute in other media.  

Image Galleries

Schülerpraktikum „Verfahrenstechnik und Technische Kybernetik“
Eindrücke vom MINT Praktikum für Schülerinnen und Schüler ab 16 Jahren more
Tomorrow Labs Festival 2024 in Magdeburg
Fotogalerie 1. Tomorrow Labs Wissenschaftsfestival , 8. Juni 2024 in Magdeburg / Image Gallery 1st Tomorrow Labs Science Festival, 8 June 2024 in Magdeburg more
Science Night 2023
3 June 2023 more


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