About the Institute

About the Institute

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems was established in 1996 by decision of the Senate of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science e.V. . The founding director was Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Ernst Dieter Gilles. The institute in Magdeburg started scientific work in 1998 in Magdeburg and is the first institute of the Max Planck Society dedicated to the engineering sciences and is intended to bridge the gap between basic research and industrial applications.

At present around 220 employees are working at the institute in Magdeburg. Our research activities are focused on the investigation and development of new approaches for the synthesis, analysis and control of highly complex processes in biotechnology, chemical production, and energy conversion. In our systems-oriented research concept, we make use of model-based methods from systems engineering, systems theory and scientific computing. For understanding the physical, chemical and biological process fundamentals and for evaluating theoretical results, we harvest experimental data by use of advanced analytical tools. Our pilot plant hall allows testing of new process concepts and technologies on the mini-plant scale.

Scientists from different disciplines such as process engineering, chemistry, biology, mathematics and computer sciences add their specific knowledge to the research work, thereby developing new methods and tools for solving challenging problems in various application areas. Several research groups are working jointly on different research projects. They are collaborating with many national and international research groups. The adjacent Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg offers excellent opportunities to cooperate, in particular with the Departments of Process and Systems Engineering, Mathematics, and Electrical Engineering & Information Technology.

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