The Max Planck Institute Magdeburg invites you to its series of colloquia.
Top-class scientists, from notable German and worldwide research institutions, give a survey of their research work. Everybody who is interested, is invited to attend.

PLEASE NOTE:  Please find more information on the type of event (hybrid or virtual) and Zoom-links to the online meeting in the further information of the event.

MPI Colloquia Series

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. Michael Shoham Patrascu, Technion, Haifa, Israel: tba

Sep 26, 2024 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max-Planck-Institut Magdeburg, Room: Big Seminar Room "Prigogine"

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. Andreas S. Bommarius, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,USA: Biocatalysis in multiphase reactors

Jun 13, 2024 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max-Planck-Institut Magdeburg, Room: Big Seminar Room "Prigogine"

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jørgen Magnus, RWTH Aachen: Current Research Topics at the Chair of Biochemical Engineering

Jun 6, 2024 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max-Planck-Institut Magdeburg, Room: Big Seminar Room "Prigogine"

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, Münster University: Learning based reduction methods in the context of PDE constrained optimization

May 23, 2024 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max-Planck-Institut Magdeburg, Room: Big Seminar Room "Prigogine"

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. Xinliang Feng, MPI of Microstructure Physics: Beyond Layers: Unveiling the Potential of Organic 2D Crystals in Emerging Material Science

Mar 7, 2024 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max-Planck-Institut Magdeburg, Room: Big Seminar Room "Prigogine"

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. César Rodriguez-Emmenegger, PhD, IBEC Barcelona: Harnessing nature’s blueprints to design interactive biointerfaces and synthetic cells

Feb 1, 2024 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max-Planck-Institut Magdeburg, Room: Big Seminar Room "Prigogine"
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