Best conditions for excellence in research
The Max Planck Institute in Magdeburg offers a variety of opportunities for professional development, personal and professional further education.
Opportunities at the Institute
- Organization and participation in career events
- Regular soft skill courses in addition to further training courses offered by the Max Planck Society
- Structured doctoral program at the IMPRS for Advanced Methods in Process and Systems Engineering
- Opportunities for students, such as the supervision of student theses
- Opportunities for pupils, such as the one-week course "Process Engineering and Technical Cybernetics" and one-day seminars (Girls'/ Boys' Day)
Useful networks
- MAX Portal for exchanging information between all members of the Max Planck Society, including institutes and specialist groups around Germany
- Max Planck PhDNet Portal for the information exchange between all doctoral students from every branch of the Max Planck Institute
- Otto-von-Guericke Graduate Academy Central service facility for all doctoral students and postdoc researchers working at the Otto-von-Guericke University
- Max Planck LeadNet Portal to facilitate the exchange and cooperation between all research group leaders from every branch of the Max Planck Institute