New IMPRS PhD representatives elected
The new PhD representatives were both elected with a great turnout.
The IMPRS PhD representatives are a vital and unique aspect of the IMPRS Graduate School. Their involvement in key decisions is highly valued and is a fundamental part of the program. These representatives ensure that PhD students' interests are considered and pass important information from significant meetings back to the students. This contributes to an effective communication structure, enhancing the overall efficiency of IMPRS.
All IMPRS researchers were encouraged to participate in the election of their representatives for the upcoming year. It was great to see a high voter turnout, with 81 percent of eligible voters participating, resulting in Kasimhussen Vhora being elected with 19 votes and Laura Lamkowski with 18 votes. Congratulations!
They will take over from Zunain Ayaz and Supriya Bhaskaran , who were particularly dedicated to their roles. Thank you for your commitment!
Although the PhD representatives are elected as the main spokespersons, all PhD researchers are encouraged to support them with their ideas and commitment.