IMPRS Workshop 2024 in Schkopau
Three days of scientific exchange and social activities

This year's workshop, organized by IMPRS ProEng, was a three-day event dedicated to scientific exchange and social activities for our doctoral researchers and their supervisors. Held in Schkopau in South Saxony-Anhalt, the workshop took place from April 14 to 16, 2024. Approximately 30 doctoral researchers and professors participated, sharing their latest research developments and building networks.
On the first day, attendees commenced with a visit to the Kunstmuseum Moritzburg in Halle (Saale), where they received a guided tour of its paintings. From there, they proceeded with a guided city tour of Merseburg, one of the oldest cities in central Germany.
Over the following two days, the focus shifted to scientific exchange, as IMPRS doctoral researchers delivered presentations on their ongoing research. New members also offered brief introductions to their work, prompting in-depth discussions. Furthermore, some researchers organized poster sessions to explore their research in greater detail and engage in thorough discussions with their peers.
Additionally, on the second day, our participants attended a brief workshop course focusing on the topic of resilience. Given the prevalent stress among researchers in the scientific field, often leading to work during supposed leisure time, it is particularly important for us to promote healthy work habits to our PhD students.
The program concluded on the last day with a visit to HORIBA FuelCon GmbH, a prominent provider of test solutions for hydrogen electrolysers and innovative test benches for fuel cell manufacturers worldwide. Here, our PhD students had the chance to explore potential real-world applications that could complement their theoretical expertise gained from their research.
And with this last step in the program, the IMPRS workshop has come to an end. We're grateful for the valuable experiences shared by all. To everyone involved, thank you, and we're eagerly anticipating the next one!