Introducing one of our PhD Researchers: Dayron Chang Dominguez
Get to know Dayron Chang Dominguez, his research, and what he thinks about the IMPRS program
Dayron Chang Dominguez has arrived in Magdeburg on April 7, 2021, and since then started to work in the IMPRS program. He applied for this program because he wanted to develop his PhD in Mathematical Science in Germany.
He is now working in the group "Numerical Mathematics with Applications" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter. In the course of his PhD project "Multirate methods for complex coupled differential equations", Dayron is researching numerical methods for solving multi-scale numerical modeling of corrosion in Porous Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysers.
He says that the use of renewable and green sources of energy is nowadays a necessary goal to achieve. Hydrogen fuel cells become every day a more suitable choice for this purpose. Producing Hydrogen in safe and efficient ways is a desirable goal. One way to produce Hydrogen is a Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyser. But some non-desirable effects like corrosion of materials take place in the process of production limiting its use. Modeling these phenomenons will yield some insides into what is actually happening at a nano-particle level and how it develops in long time periods. This duality in slow/fast coupling processes makes the problem challenging for computing purposes.
Concerning life in Magdeburg and the IMPRS program in general, Dayron Chang Dominguez highlighted the good public transport system and the usefulness of the PhD advisory committees (PAC) in the IMPRS program. He said that the PAC system is especially helpful because he has two advisors who can give different perspectives on his PhD research topic. The only difficulties he faced so far regarding the arrival in Magdeburg were the special conditions because of Covid-19.
Additionally, he indicated that the options of the offered skill courses within the program have been interesting and that they have a great impact. For instance, the course “Create engaging scientific slides using visual storytelling” was really helpful to him and he is using those skills already in his documents and slides. He said that he even received some compliments for these slides.
Further, Dayron Chang Dominguez said, that he connects very often with his fellow researchers. He is part of a research group at the Institute for Analysis and Numerics in the Otto-von-Guericke University but also has a close relation with other researchers in topics related to his project, like electrochemistry. Additionally, he finds the Magdeburg International PhD Students (MIPS) program very helpful for PhD students because it is a space for sharing and releasing stress in a good way.
Ultimately, Dayron Chang Dominguez said he would recommend the IMPRS and OVGU joint program to fellow PhD researchers.
Thank you, for telling us about your experiences so far and your project and we wish you great success with your further research!