IMPRS Selection Process for new candidates is over
Many applications and 11 happy candidates. New PhD students were accepted for the IMPRS.
Our selection process for new PhD students starts every autumn. Candidates can apply for the following research clusters: "Improved biotechnological production of biologics, chemicals and biopolymers", "Efficient energy conversion processes based on renewables", "From natural products to active pharmaceutical ingredients" or "Methods and tools".
This year we received 180 applications from all over the world. The pre-selection was very difficult as there were excellent applicants among them. After the preselection, the selection day took place on December 18th. The remaining 20 candidates presented themselves and their research results to the selection committee and finally 11 were accepted for a place on the IMPRS.
The selection process for 2020 has ended, the next call is expected to begin in autumn 2021. Information about the next call will be available on the website. For those who would like to study in the MPRS, we recommend visiting our application site.