Pawan Goyal awarded for best Ph.D. Thesis in Mathematics in 2018
Dr. Pawan Goyal, mathematician and alumnus of the International Max Planck Research School Magdeburg, was awarded the prize for the best Ph.D. thesis in 2018 within the Faculty of Mathematics by the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. His thesis topic is the System-Theoretic Model Order Reduction for Bilinear and Quadratic-Bilinear Systems.
Dr. rer. nat. Pawan Kumar Goyal, 25, is working as a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems. During his Ph.D. he has worked in the field of numerical analysis, more precisely on fast simulations of large-scale dynamical systems via reduced-order modeling. His results will have an enormous impact on the research field of Model Order Reduction. He finished his Ph.D. within four years and four months at the very young age of 24. Now he was honoured for his accomplishments.
Model Order Reduction methods offer an efficient alternative to produce compact time-saving models with good approximation qualities directly from a model. During his Ph.D. Pawan Goyal has worked on fast simulations of large-scale dynamical systems via reduced-order modeling appearing in areas of natural sciences and engineering.
Pawan Goyal studied Engineering Design with specialization in Automotive Engineering from 2008 to 2013 at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in Chennai, India. He received his Bachelor’s degree and Master of Technology in 2013. From May to July 2011 he visited the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg as a research fellow where he proved his talent in natural sciences and mathematics. From 2013 on he was a member of the International Max Planck Research School Magdeburg for Advanced Methods in Process and Systems Engineering (IMPRS ProEng) and of the Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory group at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg.
Prof. Dr. Peter Benner, head of the group and director at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg, says about Pawan Goyal: “Although trained as an engineer during his Master studies, Pawan Goyal has a comprehensive repertoire of mathematical techniques and methods allowing him to solve fundamental questions of Applied Mathematics and to facilitate a fast numerical simulation of mathematical models in the engineering sciences and its practical application.”
Pawan Goyals current research interests are focused on Image Reconstruction and Applications in Bio-Medicine, Compressive Sensing, Data-Driven Identification of Dynamics as well as Model Order Reduction for Linear and Nonlinear Systems.
The Otto von Guericke University traditionally honours the best Ph. D. graduates of its nine departments every year.