Next IMPRS Seminar - Online Talk

"Pore-scale modeling of Li-ion batteries: Predicting performance from an image"

June 18, 2021

Presented by: Prof. Jeff Gostick - Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo in Canada

We are pleased to announce that upon the invitation of Haashir Altaf, one of our IMPRS doctoral researchers, Prof. Jeff Gostick from the University of Waterloo in Canada will present his work on “Pore-scale modeling of Li-ion batteries: Predicting performance from an image" during our next IMPRS seminar

Predicting the performance  just by looking at an image sounds incredible. Prof. Jeff Gostick from the University of Waterloo will talk about how this is possible by presenting his work on Li-on battery modeling. For this research, he used a 3-phase network extraction from a tomography image to then predict the rate-capacity of the electrodes by using pore network modeling.

Pore network modeling (PNM) has been used to study multiphase transport in porous materials for decades, due to its ability to consider pore-scale processes with excellent computational efficiency. In recent years the group of Prof. Gostick has been focusing on extending these PNMs to systems where complex multiphysics processes dictate device performance, such as batteries and fuel cells. 

In the online talk, Prof. Gostick will present the recent work of his group, namely to add multiphysics capabilities to OpenPNM, and parallel efforts to extract multiphase networks from tomograms of electrodes that incorporate solid and electrolyte phases, and their interconnections. 

Prof. Jeff Gostick is an Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo where he runs the Porous Materials Engineering & Analysis Lab (Website of Prof. Gostick). His research is centered around understanding the structure-performance relationship in porous electrodes used in hydrogen fuel cells, redox flow systems, zinc-air cells, Li-ion batteries, and super-capacitors. His group uses a combination of experimental characterization, novel production methods, and advanced custom computational tools. He is the lead developer of the open-source pore network modeling project OpenPNM (, as well as PoreSpy, a tool for porous media image analysis ( Furthermore, Prof Gostick is a licensed professional engineer, has published over 70 journal articles, and was recently named an Emerging Leader by the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering.

If you want to take part in this interesting talk, please write a mail to for the login details.

  Everyone interested is welcome and invited to join the talk!

  • Date: July 15, 2021
  • Time: 3pm (CEST)
  • Place: online

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