8th IMPRS Summer School: Sustainable Energy Systems
August 28 - September 1, 2023
Sustainable Process Engineering research is vital for transitioning to a low-carbon economy, reducing emissions, and promoting energy security and economic development. In our summer school, we address the different types and resources for sustainable energy.
Every two years, the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS ProEng) organizes a well-received summer school in Magdeburg where our PhD candidates are encouraged to further debate about distinct challenges of Applied Mathematics, Chemical Engineering and Bioprocess Engineering. Oustanding experts are invited to share their knowledge and competences, but also to expand a network with engaged young researchers.
The program is composed of lectures and tutorials that enable participants to put all theoretical tools acquired into practice. Furthermore, a cultural and social agenda completes the schedule of five intensive days of research, exchange, reflection and… fun!
Doctoral researchers of the IMPRS ProEng, as well as PhD candidates and advanced master students working on related topics, are invited to register and make our summer school a success. We are looking forward to welcoming you end of August.