Fluid Dynamics and Technical Flows
Major research interests

First 3D-DNS of gasification of polypropylene (PP) plastic particles in supercritical water. 60 fully-resolved PP particles (diameter: 400 mm) are arranged in a staggered manner in the direction of the supercritical water flow at T=900 K and P = 250 bar. Particle Reynolds number is 70. The size of the computational domain is 4 mm x 8 mm x 4 mm, resolved by 33 million grid points.
Prof. Dr. Thévenin is particularly interested in developing further advanced simulation approaches allowing an accurate description of complex flows. His research mainly relies on Direct Numerical Simulations or Lattice Boltzmann models, combined with tools suitable for complex geometries and configurations, like Immersed Boundaries. The main research interest of D. Thévenin lies on multiphase flows, possibly involving additionally complex physicochemical processes, like reactions. After having derived and validated appropriate simulation tools, they are coupled with an in-house software library based on Evolutionary Algorithms, opening the door for simulation-driven flow optimization. This has been in particular applied in the last years to innovative reactors and turbomachines as well as to a variety of biomedical flows..
Possible research projects (not exhaustive)
- Selective pyrolysis of mixed plastic waste and biogenic residues
(Collaboration partners: Prof. Tsotsas, Prof. Kienle) - Analysis of reaction networks and kinetics in catalytic pyrolysis
(Collaboration partner: Prof. Hamel)
Current doctoral researchers in the IMPRS ProEng program

M.Sc. Annnemarie Lehr
IMPRS ProEng Alumnae and Alumni
Cheng Chi
(Mar. 16, 2021)
Seyed Ali Hosseini
(Apr. 22, 2020)
Amir Eshghinejadfard
Luís Guilherme Medeiros de Souza
(Aug. 12, 2016)
Hai Yu
(Jun. 1, 2015)
Philipp Berg
(Mar. 12, 2015)
Thirumalesha Chittipotula
(Oct. 26, 2012)
Santhosh Seshadhri
(Nov. 14, 2011)