Status of the call for applications 2019/2020

Status of the call for applications 2019/2020

April 28, 2020

If you are also interested in a PhD at the IMPRS ProEng, you will find more detailed information here. 
Please note, that a
pplications will only be accepted during an open application process. The next call for applications will be announced in second half of the year.

Rescheduled date for the selection colloquium

June 25-26, 2020

Procedure and further details will be announced to the candidates according to the dynmically developing situation. 

Selection Colloquium for selected candidates in Magdeburg

April 16-17, 2020 

In this colloquium all candidates who have passed the pre-selection will introduce themselves and their research to the board of the IMPRS.

Due to the worldwide unclear situation and for the purpose of containing the Corona Virus we had to postpone the personal application meeting. 

Evaluation of applications and pre-selection process completed

April 6, 2020

All candidates were informed of their results.We have received a large number of applications for our IMPRS program. Thank you to everyone who was interested in our program. 

The application process went to the next step, the pre-selection. This has now ended and every candidate has already been informed of the result of the pre-selection.


Call closed and applications were assessed

January 19, 2020 

The IMPRS call is closed now. Many thanks to all candidates who were interested in our program. A total of 72 applications were received. They are currently being reviewed by the IMPRS committee. Due to the large number of applications, we are unfortunately unable to provide individual feedback. 

Call opend

December 23, 2019 

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