Exchange opportunities in Germany and abroad
Expand professional and personal networks in conferences & international research stays
Do you intend to follow the scientific path after your PhD? Or would you rather find a job at the industry? At the IMPRS you will be not only scientificly prepared, but you will also build a valuable network of contacts for whatever choice you make in future.
During your PhD, you are strongly advised to take part in international conferences and meetings. Apart from that, you can also carry out part of your research as a guest in other institutions worldwide. We allocate funds for travel expenses in order to support research stays between one and three months abroad.
When in Magdeburg, you have the chance to mingle with other young researchers and professionals at the Max Planck Institute, and you will also be granted access to the students' network of the Max Planck Society - PhDNet.
Furthermore, once a year, an election is held to appoint two IMPRS PhD representatives who become active part of the IMPRS board, acting as a bridge between students, coordination and principal investigators.