IMPRS for Advanced Methods in Process and Systems Engineering

Our International Max Planck Research School, a joint initiative of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems and the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg, provides high-level scientific training and supports PhD projects through an innovative concept which combines cutting-edge mathematical and systems-oriented engineering research. We are driven by challenging questions arising from the analysis, design and optimization of chemical and biochemical processes.

IMPRS Workshop 2024 in Schkopau

Three days of scientific exchange and social activities  more

New IMPRS PhD representatives elected 2024

The new PhD representatives were both elected with a great turnout. more

Successful PhD Defence!

Adnan Hayat successfully defended his PhD thesis! His research focused on Forced Periodic Non-isothermal Operation of Chromatographic Columns. more

Successful PhD Defence!

Successful PhD Defence!

April 29, 2024

Ronny Zimmermann successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic of “Computer-Aided Catalyst Pellet Design for Load-Flexible Fixed-Bed Reactor Operation” more

Successful PhD Defence

Successful PhD Defence

January 31, 2024

Bruno Morabito’s research focused on “Approaches for multi-modes state estimation and model predictive control” more

Successful PhD Defence

Successful PhD Defence

January 23, 2024

Research focused on mathematical modelling applied to pharmaceutical processes more

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