IMPRS ProEng Selection Colloquium

December 18, 2020, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

We welcome you very warmly to our Online Selection Colloquium. Please notice the information below. To access the detailed program and the links to the different sessions, please log in and "Enter the Online Selection Colloquium".


All candidates participate in 3 sessions:

  1. Welcome session (~30 minutes)
  2. Self-presentation and poster session (~90 minutes)
  3. Students discussion with Q&A session (~60 minutes)

If needed, there will be additional individual sessions of 15 minutes each during the breaks. These will be arranged spontaneously by the reviewers.

Self-presentation and poster session

All candidates present themselves during a 10-minutes-presentation followed by a 5-minutes-discussion. Topics that should be addressed during the presentation are: personal introduction, scientific background, future plans and a very brief overview about a recent research project.

Additionally, the candidates prepare a scientific poster (1 page, pdf) in order to discuss the recent research project in more detail.

Test of the video conference tool Big Blue Button (BBB)

On Wednesday, Dec. 16 at 1:00 pm CET all candidates have the opportunity to check the system and see if their presentations and posters are displayed correctly. All presentation and poster files (pdf only!) need to be uploaded to our cloud until Tuesday 6:00 pm CET.

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