
Raum: Großer Seminarraum "Prigogine"

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Plant-Based Biopharmaceuticals: How to Move New Product Candidates Towards Translational Research and Market

The development of recombinant antibodies and vaccines has allowed us to treat and prevent a large number of life-threatening diseases. However, as things stand in 2015, the speed, capacity and scalability of current production systems is beginning to place limitations on this crucial technology. The large-scale production of antibodies, vaccines and other pharmaceutical recombinant proteins is restricted by the industry’s current reliance on fermenter technology, particularly the culture of mammalian cells. This expensive and time-consuming production platform is preventing the distribution of recombinant protein drugs to those most in need. One way in which the above limitations can be addressed is through the use of plants and plant-based expression systems for rapid recombinant pharmaceutical protein production. The economic production of plant-based pharmaceuticals depends on satisfactory yields and product quality. This presentation will discuss the latest development in antibody and vaccine development and their production by molecular farming, focusing particularly on strategies to maximize protein yields during upstream production and optimize protein recovery in the downstream processing steps. Such strategies often involve careful consideration of how the protein is expressed and targeted within the plant cell, a factor which affects yield, stability, quality and ease of isolation. Our long-term objective is to ensure that next generation of plantbased production systems for recombinant proteins will create the opportunity to deliver antibodies, vaccines and other biopharmaceuticals beyond the industrialized nations and into the developing world. Several case studies will be presented: HIV antibodies were chosen to undergo fast-track development, including risk assessment, expression in tobacco, scale-up, downstream processing and regulatory development, with the aim of performing clinical trials. In addition use of engineered plant cells for human vaccine candidates will be discussed. Pharma-Planta is an EU Sixth Framework Integrated Project whose primary goal is to develop an approved production pipeline for plant-derived pharmaceutical proteins (PDPs). Although previous research has provided proof of the PDP concept, Pharma-Planta aims to develop an entire production chain by taking candidate pharmaceutical molecules from the expression platform through all stages of production and processing, ultimately to initiate phase I human trials in Europe. The Pharma-Planta Consortium comprised 40 interacting groups representing 33 public institutes and SMEs from 11 European Member States and South Africa. At the beginning of the project, eight target molecules were chosen representing four key indication areas including HIV. From these molecules, two HIV antibodies were chosen to undergo fast-track development, which would include risk assessment, cloning, expression and optimization of production in plants, scale-up, downstream processing and regulatory development, with the aim of submitting at least one of them for clinical trials within the five years of the program. Two HIV neutralizing antibodies have been expressed successfully in the two main production crops being developed within the consortium – maize and tobacco. One of these antibodies, 2G12, has been expressed at levels greater 100 mg per kg of plant material. The plant-derived antibodies remain stable and functional and retain their neutralizing activity. The consortium has investigated novel upscaling and downstream processing strategies to provide multiple grams clinical grade antibody material for human clinical trials. Preclinical trials in rabbits have been completed successfully and we also conducted successfully a phase I clinical trial in the UK. This work will now be moved forward for a phase IIa clinical trial which is funded by an Advanced ERC grant from the European Commission. We have also developed an interesting multi-stage malaria vaccine and neutralizing rabies antibody candidates and will discuss how both products have matured over the years both in performance and in manufacturing with the aim in mind to bring these two products into translational research within the next months. Finally state of the art technology developments to accelerate the development and production of PMPs as well as regulatory issues will be discussed. Along this line an innovative new manufacturing concept using LED lighting in a vertical farm concept have been developed. [mehr]

Synthetic Biology and delivering on, From Gene to Product

Vortrag im Rahmen der Hybrid Modeling Summer School
Abstract: To some people we may be entering the period of the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ - the Biological Industrial Revolution. Just as in previous industrial revolutions the potential previously promised by coal, mechanisation and electronics has now to be realised by the exploitation of biological potential. This new potential is made available by large scale gene synthesis and expression and understanding the options available for the scale-up and control of novel genetic entities. It seems that in order to start to understand fully how the exploitation of novel biological potential may be realised there needs to be a recognition of the scale and complexity of the task. Novel methodologies in numerical analysis and experimental design as well as in automation and bioprocess engineering need to be employed and coordinated in order to gain commercial traction on synthetic biology. This short talk will seek to identify how techniques of large scale experimental design, scale up and analyses, as well as a novel approach to biological automation are seeking to address just some of the issues surrounding Synthetic Biology and delivering on ‘From Gene to Product’. Short biography of Mr. Craig JL Gershater: Craig is a senior scientist and manager with over 40 years’ industrial bioprocess optimisation and biotechnology experience. He has held a variety of senior positions in the pharmaceutical industry, lastly as Head of Fermentation Sciences R&D at SmithKline Beecham prior to becoming the CEO and Principal Consultant with Cambridge Bioprocess Management Ltd in 2000. Among his many transnational clients in recent years he has worked with GSK, as well as a number of SMEs and in academia. He is an expert in the application of statistical methods to experimental design and rapid bioprocess optimisation. He has used these techniques in a wide variety of industrial research and development projects including full scale development of biotechnology projects to GMP/GLP requirements. [mehr]

Homogeneous Catalytic In-Situ Spectroscopic Measurements and Chemometrics - An Overview of Activities at the National Laboratories in Singapore (A*STAR)

Homogeneous Catalytic In-Situ Spectroscopic Measurements and Chemometrics - An Overview of Activities at the National Laboratories in Singapore (A*STAR)

Symposium on Advances and Applications in Metaproteomics

Symposium on Advances and Applications in Metaproteomics

DECHEMA Kolloquium: Continuous Manufacturing: Old Concept - New Applications

DECHEMA Kolloquium: Continuous Synthesis: Old Concept - New Applications
The large scale production of bulk chemicals is performed in the chemical process industry frequently applying continuously operated reaction and separation processes. In the fields of “Flow chemistry” and “Continuous Manufacturing” there are currently significant efforts to apply similar principles for the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, which is traditionally based on batch processes. The current status will be discussed and similarities and differences between the two fields will be highlighted. [mehr]

Vortrag: Processing of functional nanoparticles: From automated synthesis to tailored surface properties and applications

Vortrag: Processing of functional nanoparticles: From automated synthesis to tailored surface properties and applications
Dieser Vortrag ist Teil der Kolloquiumsreihe am Max-Planck-Institut Magdeburg. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen. [mehr]

A Fast Solver for a Nonsmooth Optimization problem in a phase separation model

A Fast Solver for a Nonsmooth Optimization problem in a phase separation model

Promotionskolloquium: Model Order Reduction for Parameterized Nonlinear Evolution Equations

Promotionskolloquium: Model Order Reduction for Parameterized Nonlinear Evolution Equations

Promotionskolloquium: Low-Rank Iterative Solvers for Large-Scale Stochastic Galerkin Linear Systems

Promotionskolloquium: Low-Rank Iterative Solvers for Large-Scale Stochastic Galerkin Linear Systems

Promotionskolloquium: Numerical Aspects of Flow Stabilization by Riccati Feedback

Promotionskolloquium: Numerical Aspects of Flow Stabilization by Riccati Feedback

Promotionskolloquium: Balancing Related Model Order Reduction Applied to Linear Controlled Evolution Equations with Lévy Noise

Promotionskolloquium: Balancing Related Model Order Reduction Applied to Linear Controlled Evolution Equations with Lévy Noise

Promotionskolloquium: Reduced Basis Approximations for Electromagnetic Applications

Promotionskolloquium: Reduced Basis Approximations for Electromagnetic Applications

Promotionskolloquium: Continuous Preferential Crystallization of Enantiomers: Simulation, Analysis, Process Design and Experimental Validation

Promotionskolloquium: Continuous Preferential Crystallization of Enantiomers: Simulation, Analysis, Process Design and Experimental Validation

Promotionskolloquium: The Structural Dynamics of Soluble and Membrane Proteins Explored through Molecular Simulations

Promotionskolloquium: The Structural Dynamics of Soluble and Membrane Proteins Explored through Molecular Simulations

Promotionskolloquium: Etablierung und Anwendung einer durchflusszytometrischen Methode für die Vitalitätsbestimmung von P. aeruginosa, B. cepacia und S. aureus in Mischkulturen

Promotionskolloquium: Etablierung und Anwendung einer durchflusszytometrischen Methode für die Vitalitätsbestimmung von P. aeruginosa, B. cepacia und S. aureus in Mischkulturen

Toward a more sustainable chemical industry: terpenes and arylpropenoids as feedstock in transition metal complex catalyzed reactions

Toward a more sustainable chemical industry: terpenes and arylpropenoids as feedstock in transition metal complex catalyzed reactions

Promotionskolloquium: Modellbasierte Bestimmung von Interventionsstrategien zur Optimierung der Produktion von Biokraftstoffen in Cyanobakterien

Promotionskolloquium: Modellbasierte Bestimmung von Interventionsstrategien zur Optimierung der Produktion von Biokraftstoffen in Cyanobakterien

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Walter Stahel: Opportunity and Risk - Two Sides of Systems' Solutions

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Walter Stahel: Opportunity and Risk - Two Sides of Systems' Solutions

Ehrenkolloquium für Prof. Dietrich Flockerzi

Ehrenkolloquium für Prof. Dietrich Flockerzi

Prof. Dr. Herbert Sixta: Fractionation and Valorization of Biomass

Prof. Dr. Herbert Sixta: Fractionation and Valorization of Biomass

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Jean-Michel Coron, Stabilization of control systems: From the clepsydras to the regulation of the rivers La Sambre and La Meuse

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Jean-Michel Coron, Stabilization of control systems: From the clepsydras to the regulation of the rivers La Sambre and La Meuse

ENTFÄLLT: MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer

ENTFÄLLT: MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Challenges in Environmental and Energy-related Catalysis: Understanding Catalysts under Dynamic Reaction Conditions

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Challenges in Environmental and Energy-related Catalysis: Understanding Catalysts under Dynamic Reaction Conditions

Industry Career Workshop “From academia to industry: applied research and career challenges”

Industry Career Workshop “From academia to industry: applied research and career challenges”

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Martha Grover, Crystallization Control using Dynamic Programming

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Martha Grover, Crystallization Control using Dynamic Programming

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Philip Tinnefeld, DNA in new roles: Tools for Superresolution and Nanobiotechnology

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Philip Tinnefeld, DNA in new roles: Tools for Superresolution and Nanobiotechnology

Prof. Dr. Joris Thybaut, Microkinetic modeling: a strategy to govern the phenomena from the active site to the chemical reactor

Prof. Dr. Joris Thybaut, Microkinetic modeling: a strategy to govern the phenomena from the active site to the chemical reactor

Dr. Matthias Thommes: Recent Advances in the Textural Characterization of Hierarchically Structured Nanoporous Materials

Dr. Matthias Thommes: Recent Advances in the Textural Characterization of Hierarchically Structured Nanoporous Materials

ENTFÄLLT MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wiechert, From wild type microbes to industrial chassis organisms

ENTFÄLLT MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wiechert, From wild type microbes to industrial chassis organisms

Promotionskolloquium: Investigation of influenza virus particle aggregation and purification with magnetic sulfated cellulose particles

Promotionskolloquium: Investigation of influenza virus particle aggregation and purification with magnetic sulfated cellulose particles

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Athanasios C. Antoulas, Data-driven model reduction of large-scale systems

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Athanasios C. Antoulas, Data-driven model reduction of large-scale systems

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Katalin M. Hangos, Dynamics and stabilizing control of nonlinear process networks

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Katalin M. Hangos, Dynamics and stabilizing control of nonlinear process networks

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pöschl, Multiphase Chemical Kinetics at the Interface of Earth and Life Sciences

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pöschl, Multiphase Chemical Kinetics at the Interface of Earth and Life Sciences

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Peter H. Seeberger, Preventing and Fighting Infectious Diseases: Carbohydrate Vaccines and Flow Chemistry

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. Dr. Peter H. Seeberger, Preventing and Fighting Infectious Diseases: Carbohydrate Vaccines and Flow Chemistry

3. MAXNET Energy Workshop

3. MAXNET Energy Workshop

Industrial scale preparation of enantiopure compounds by melt crystallization – Applications, Process and Equipment

Industrial scale preparation of enantiopure compounds by melt crystallization – Applications, Process and Equipment

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Dr. JP Huang, Macroscopic Collapse: Energy of Ownership

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Dr. JP Huang, Macroscopic Collapse: Energy of Ownership

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Gene Myers, Computer Vision and Computational Optics for Bioimage Informatics

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Gene Myers, Computer Vision and Computational Optics for Bioimage Informatics

OPOSPM: A Reduced Population Balance Model that Works

OPOSPM: A Reduced Population Balance Model that Works

Magdeburg Lectures on Optimization and Control: Optimal control, optimization, market mechanisms and physics of smart energy systems

Magdeburg Lectures on Optimization and Control: Optimal control, optimization, market mechanisms and physics of smart energy systems

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Berend van Wachem, On the behaviour of particles, droplets and interfaces - Studying the Small Scale Physics to Improve the Understanding of Large-Scale Processes

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Berend van Wachem

Prof. Florian M. Wurm: The Billion Dollar CHO: Cells with mysteries for ton-quantity production of biopharmaceuticals

The Billion Dollar CHO: Cells with mysteries for ton-quantity production of biopharmaceuticals

Promotionskolloquium: System-Theoretic Model Order Reduction for Bilinear and Quadratic-Bilinear Control Systems

Promotionskolloquium: System-Theoretic Model Order Reduction for Bilinear and Quadratic-Bilinear Control Systems

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Marc Timme, Braess' Paradox, Anomalous Fluctuations and Nonlocal Rerouting in Power Grids - Collective Nonlinear Dynamics of Networks

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Marc Timme, Braess' Paradox, Anomalous Fluctuations and Nonlocal Rerouting in Power Grids - Collective Nonlinear Dynamics of Networks

Tools for Systems Biology Modeling and Data Exchange: COPASI, CellNetAnalyzer, SABIO-RK, SEEK

Tools for Systems Biology Modeling and Data Exchange: COPASI, CellNetAnalyzer, SABIO-RK, SEEK

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Walter Leitner, Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion, Mühlheim a.d. Ruhr

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Walter Leitner

Prof. Feng Qian: Smart Manufacturing for Process Industry

Prof. Feng Qian: Smart Manufacturing for Process Industry

Dr. Jonathan Bloh: Optimierung und effiziente Skalierung von photokatalytischen Prozessen - Kinetik, Quantenausbeute und Reaktoren

Dr. Jonathan Bloh: Optimierung und effiziente Skalierung von photokatalytischen Prozessen - Kinetik, Quantenausbeute und Reaktoren

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Regina Palkovits, Heterogeneous Catalysis and electro-catalysis as elements of an efficient and flexible use of renewable carbon resources

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Regina Palkovits, RWTH Aachen

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Nicole Borth, Next Generation CHO and how we might eventually get there

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Nicole Borth, Next Generation CHO and how we might eventually get there

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Dr. Julia E. Rice, The Diversity of Scientific Projects at IBM Research

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Dr. Julia E. Rice, The Diversity of Scientific Projects at IBM Research

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Giorgio Carta, Advances in Mechanistic Understanding and Modeling of Protein Process Chromatography

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Giorgio Carta, Advances in Mechanistic Understanding and Modeling of Protein Process Chromatography

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Dr. Adam Weber, Exploring Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells using Physics-Based Modeling

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Dr. Adam Weber, Exploring Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells using Physics-Based Modeling

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Kaltenbacher: Iterative regularization of time-dependent inverse problems

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Kaltenbacher: Iterative regularization of time-dependent inverse problems

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Dörte Rother, Synthetic enzyme cascades – from set-up to economic and ecologic efficiency studies

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Dörte Rother

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wiechert, Simulating huge Bioreactors in tiny Chips: Technologies for Microbial Single Cell Analysis

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wiechert, Systems Biotechnology, Forschungszentrum Jülich

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Paul Wilmes, Systems Ecology of Microbiomes: Identifying Key Functions

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Paul Wilmes, Systems Ecology of Microbiomes: Identifying Key Functions

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Helmut Cölfen, Non-classical crystallization of organic molecules

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Helmut Cölfen, Non-classical crystallization of organic molecules

1.Workshop zu Nachhaltigkeit in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

1.Workshop Nachhaltigkeit in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

ENTFÄLLT: MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. John Yin, Paths to biological polymers: an insight from virus infections and the chemical origins of life

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. John Yin, Paths to biological polymers: an insight from virus infections and the chemical origins of life

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Gregory S. Yablonsky, Chemical Calculus: A New Paradigm of Chemical Kinetics

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Gregory S. Yablonsky, Chemical Calculus: A New Paradigm of Chemical Kinetics

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Oliver Trapp, Early Pathways to Life: Mechanisms to DNA, Molecular Evolution and Homochirality

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Oliver Trapp, Early Pathways to Life: Mechanisms to DNA, Molecular Evolution and Homochirality

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: PD Dr. Michael Bortz, Adaptive strategies to explore Pareto frontiers in chemical process design

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: PD Dr. Michael Bortz, Adaptive strategies to explore Pareto frontiers in chemical process design

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Jennifer Wilcox, Comparison of CO2 Capture from Point Sources vs the Atmosphere and Scales of Utilization

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Jennifer Wilcox, Comparison of CO2 Capture from Point Sources vs the Atmosphere and Scales of Utilization

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. James M. Piret, Technologies Tailored for Cell Therapy Manufacturing

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. James M. Piret, Technologies Tailored for Cell Therapy Manufacturing

DECHEMA-Kolloquium "Rohstoffe aus Abfällen: Neue Konzepte für die zukünftige Kreislaufwirtschaft"

DECHEMA-Kolloquium "Rohstoffe aus Abfällen: Neue Konzepte für die zukünftige Kreislaufwirtschaft"

ENTFÄLLT: MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Christoph Wittmann, Systems metabolic engineering of industrial microorganisms

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Christoph Wittmann, Systems metabolic engineering of industrial microorganisms

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe / FMA Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Axel Klawonn, Robust and parallel scalable domain decomposition methods forproblems in solid mechanics

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Axel Klawonn, Robust and parallel scalable domain decomposition methods

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Dr. Janina Bahnemann, 3D-printed Microfluidic Systems for Cell Culture and Biological Applications

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Dr. Janina Bahnemann, 3D-printed Microfluidic Systems for Cell Culture and Biological Applications

VERSCHOBEN: MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael H. Eikerling, Institut für Energie und Klimaforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael H. Eikerling, Institut für Energie und Klimaforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich

ABGESAGT: MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Frank Noé, FU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. Frank Noé, FU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik

ABGESAGT: MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Dr. Klaus Lackner, Arizona State University, Center for Negative Carbon Emissions, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Dr. Klaus Lackner, Arizona State University, Center for Negative Carbon Emissions, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

VERSCHOBEN: MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Diethard Mattanovich, Institut für Mikrobiologie und Mikrobielle Biotechnologie, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Diethard Mattanovich, Institut für Mikrobiologie und Mikrobielle Biotechnologie, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

DECHEMA Regionalkolloquium "Smart Process Systems: Nachhaltige Produktion von Chemikalien und Materialien"

DECHEMA Regionalkolloquium "Smart Process Systems: Nachhaltige Produktion von Chemikalien und Materialien"

The f(A)bulous Workshop on Matrix Functions and Exponential Integrators

The f(A)bulous Workshop on Matrix Functions and Exponential Integrators

ABGESAGT: Barcamp @ MPI-Magdeburg: Deine Ideen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

Offenes Workshop-Format mit Schülerinnen und Schülern der gymnasialen Oberstufe und Studierenden, 11. Oktober 2023, 09:00 - 14:15 Uhr
Update 26. September 2023:Das Barcamp, geplant für den 11. Oktober 2023, müssen wir auf einen anderen Zeitpunkt verschieben. Über einen neuen Termin werden wir rechtzeitig informieren. Wir bedanken usn für alle bisher eingegangenen Anmeldungen. Kontakt für Rückfragen: [mehr]

Prof. Ranil Wickramasinghe, University of Arkansas: Development of Membrane Based Operations for Emerging Separations Challenges

Prof. Ranil Wickramasinghe: Development of Membrane Based Operations for Emerging Separations Challenges

AUSGEBUCHT: Öffentliche Lesung mit Steffen Schroeder: „Planck oder Als das Licht seine Leichtigkeit verlor"

Lesung und Gespräch mit Steffen Schroeder: „Planck oder Als das Licht seine Leichtigkeit verlor"

An­trittsvorlesung von Max-Planck-Fellow Prof. Dr. Sebastian Sager: Generalized Inverse Optimal Control

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Sebastian Sager, 48, Mathematiker und Professor an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, wurde zum Max Planck Fellow berufen und übernahm am 1. Oktober 2023 für fünf Jahre die Leitung der Forschungsgruppe Mathematische Optimierung und Maschinelles Lernen am Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme in Magdeburg. [mehr]

Ernst Dieter Gilles Lecture Award: Prof. Martha Grover, Continuous biocatalytic crystallization to address beta-lactam supply challenges

Prof. Martha Grover: Continuous biocatalytic crystallization to address beta-lactam supply challenges

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. César Rodriguez-Emmenegger, PhD, IBEC Barcelona: Harnessing nature’s blueprints to design interactive biointerfaces and synthetic cells

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. César Rodriguez-Emmenegger, PhD, IBEC Barlecona

SIAM Chapter Seminar Talk: Professor Dr.-Ing. Daniel Juhre, Multiscale Modelling of Filled Elastomers

SIAM Chapter Seminar Talk: Professor Dr.-Ing. Daniel Juhre, Multiscale Modelling of Filled Elastomers

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Axel Lehrer, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa: Protein Potential: Rapid Development of Thermostable Vaccines using Insect Cell expressed recombinant Viral Proteins

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Axel Lehrer, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe Prof. Xinliang Feng, MPI für Mikrostrukturphysik: Beyond Layers: Unveiling the Potential of Organic 2D Crystals in Emerging Material Science

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe Prof. Xinliang Feng, MPI für Mikrostrukturphysik

Max Planck Colloquium “Chemical and/or Physical Fundamentals of Process Engineering”

Max Planck Colloquium “Chemical and/or Physical Fundamentals of Process Engineering”

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Andreas S. Bommarius, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,USA: Biocatalysis in multiphase reactors

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Andreas S. Bommarius, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,USA: Biocatalysis in multiphase reactors

Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification in Molecular Simulation

Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification in Molecular Simulation

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe Prof. Michael Shoham Patrascu, Technion, Haifa, Israel: tba

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe Prof. Michael Shoham Patrascu, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Zur Redakteursansicht