Plenary Speakers
Here you find the very first bright minds who are attending YCOPE 2019. Stay tuned for updates on this page!
Dr. Ruth Misener
Senior LecturerTalk: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimisation for Energy Efficiency
Dr. Ruth Misener is a Senior Lecturer (USA equivalent Assist/Assoc Professor) in the Computational Optimization Group. Foundations of her research are in numerical optimization algorithms and computational software frameworks. Applications include bioprocess optimization under uncertainty and petrochemical process network design and operations. Ruth holds an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship (2017-2022) and received the Sir George Macfarlane Medal as the overall winner of the 2017 RAEng Engineers Trust Young Engineer of the Year competition.
Dr. Timothy Noël
Associate Professor Talk: Visible-light photoredox catalysis in flow - Towards a sustainable production of pharmaceuticals
Dr. Timothy Noël obtained his M.Sc. (Industrial Chemical Engineering) in 2004. In 2009, he received his Ph.D. at the University of Ghent. He then moved to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow with Professor Stephen L. Buchwald (MIT-Novartis Center for Continuous Manufacturing). Since 2012 he has been working as a professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. In 2011, he received an Incentive Award for Young Researchers. In 2012, he received a Veni grant (NWO) and was nominated for the European Young Chemist Award. Since 2014, he has been serving as an associate editor of the Journal of Flow Chemistry. Recently, he received a prestigious VIDI grant (NWO) and he coordinates the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ETN program “Photo4Future”.
Dr. Samik Ghosh
Senior ScientistTalk: Towards Creating an Engine of Scientific Discovery
Dr. Samik Ghosh is a Senior Researcher at The Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo and serves as the CTO of SBX Corporation leading the software development effort of computational platform (Ghosh, Nature Reviews Genetics 2011), device consultancy and drug discovery pipeline consultancy. His primary areas of research span the intersection of computation and biology with applications in drug discovery, healthcare and beyond. He has extensive background in networks and telecommunication, modeling in systems biology, drug discovery, software development and start-up experience in USA. He received his Bachelors in Technology from India in 2001, MS and PhD in Computer Sciences from The University of Texas at Arlington in 2004 and 2007 respectively, where his research focused on computational modeling of biological systems.
Dr. Robin J. White
Senior ScientistTalk: Power to the People! Delivering Sustainable Energy Carriers, Platform Molecules and Synthetic Oxygenates
Dr. White holds a doctorate from University of York (UK), concerning the development of porous polysaccharide-derived materials and associated carbonaceous derivatives and associated Spin-off company Starbon Technologies® Ltd. Having worked previously at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids & Interfaces, the Technische Universität Berlin, and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, since May 2015, Dr. White led the R&D group “Sustainable Catalytic Materials” at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (Freiburg, Germany), as financed through a “Fraunhofer Attract” award. R&D in the group focuses on catalytic material/process design and evaluation, synthetic fuels/platform molecules, and CO2 conversion with the aim to support the further elaboration of so-called renewable energy driven “Power-to-X” schemes (where X = chemicals, intermediates, materials etc.). In 2017, he was awarded the “Young Researcher Award” by the Global Green Chemistry Centres Network. Since 2018, he sits on the advisory board of the Royal Society of Chemistry journal “Reaction Chemistry & Engineering”. Since January 2019, he has been a senior scientist at TNO with focus on catalysis, electrons to fuels, photons to fuels, materials chemistry and sustainable chemistry.
Dr. Seyed Soheil Mansouri
Assistant ProfessorTalk: BIOPRO-Sim: A benchmark simulation model for bio-manufacturing processes
Dr. Seyed Soheil Mansouri is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) with main focus on developing systematic methods and tools for synthesis, design, intensification and analysis of more sustainable processes. He has received his PhD (2016) and MSc (2013) in chemical and biochemical engineering both from DTU and BSc (2011) from University of Kerman, Iran. His current research is primarily focused on developing systematic methods and tools for synthesis, design, control/optimization and analysis of downstream chemical and bio-pharmaceutical processes and resource recovery opportunities towards achieving zero-waste and circular economy.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Mieke Boon
Full ProfessorTalk: Future aspects of scientific methodology in the engineering sciences
Prof. Boon is a full professor in Philosophy of Science in Practice at the University of Twente, where she is a core teacher in the programs Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society (PSTS) and in the University College ATLAS. In 2005, she initiated the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) and was member of the SPSP organizing committee until 2016. Since 2015, she is member of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) steering committee, and chair of the chamber theoretical philosophy of National Dutch Research School in Philosophy (OZSW). She studied philosophy at the University of Leiden. Her scientific background is in chemical engineering (specialized in bioprocess technology) in which she received an MSc and PhD, both cum laude. In 2003-2008 and 2012-2017 she worked on personal research grants of the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO-Vidi and NWO-Vici/Aspasia), aiming to develop a philosophy of science for the engineering sciences. Her current research interests are: interdisciplinarity, complexity, modeling, creativity and innovation.