Ladies Night for Women in Engineering Sciences

IMPRS contributes to event that aims to support young female scientists with a focus on women’s career paths

Tandem Talk: Calculating Molecular Interactions in Solution

Tandem Talk

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. Dr. Regina Palkovits, Heterogeneous Catalysis and electro-catalysis as elements of an efficient and flexible use of renewable carbon resources

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. Dr. Regina Palkovits, RWTH Aachen

Max Planck Day 2018: Public Max Planck Evening with Science Slam

Public Max Planck Evening with Science Slam

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. Dr. Nicole Borth, Next Generation CHO and how we might eventually get there

MPI Colloquia Series: Prof. Dr. Nicole Borth, Next Generation CHO and how we might eventually get there

Creativity in Science

Creativity in Science

MPI Colloquia Series: Dr. Julia E. Rice, The Diversity of Scientific Projects at IBM Research

MPI Colloquia Series: Dr. Julia E. Rice, The Diversity of Scientific Projects at IBM Research

Minicourse: Introduction to Python

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