Structure of the IMPRS
Our International Max Planck Research School for Systems and Process Engineering for a Sustainable Chemical Production (IMPRS SysProSus) started in 2025 and secured funding until 2030.
Partner institutions
- Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems Magdeburg (MPI)
- Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU)
with its faculties:
We are collaborating closely with the SmartProSys research initiative and its graduate school.
IMPRS SysProSus Board
Our graduate school is directed by a board composed of all its principal investigators leading the participating research groups, two representatives of the doctoral researchers and the coordinator. Among them, a spokesperson from the MPI and a vice-spokesperson from the OVGU are elected to reinforce the close partnership between both institutions. They manage and represent the IMPRS, thus, acting as primary contact persons of the school.