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Library News

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June 26, 2024
This webinar covers the following topics: An introduction to SciFlow and its writing process, understanding templates and how to use them as well as leveraging collaborative features for effective teamwork. more
12. Juni 2024
Neben der Erläuterung der CC Lizenzen mit ihren einzelnen Attributen und deren Nutzen für Wissenschaffende, wird in diesem Vortrag auch erklärt, welche CC-Lizenzen die Nutzung durch KI Anwendungen erlauben. more
May 23, 2024
This webinar covers the following topics: An introduction to SciFlow and its writing process, understanding templates and how to use them as well as leveraging collaborative features for effective teamwork. more
14. Mai 2024
In diesem Webinar werden die folgenden Themen behandelt: Eine Einführung in SciFlow und den Schreibprozess,
Funktionalität und Arbeit mit Templates sowie kollaborative Funktionen für eine effektive Teamarbeit. more
March 8, 2024
Am 20.03.2024 findet von 14 - 15 Uhr über BigBlueButton ein Vortrag statt, in dem u.a. Fragen zu urheberrechtlichen Aspekten erläutert werden. more
February 9, 2024
From February 12 to 16, 2024 this year´s international awareness week for data will provide you with lots of interesting events! more

International OA Week at MPI Magdeburg - October 27, 10:00 a.m.

October 26,2023
“That´s all you need to know: Open Access Publishing at MPI Magdeburg” Kristina Reinhold, MPI Library, will give a talk on how MPS can give you financial support and
how MPI Library can support you.
October 25, 2023
In den Ingenieurwissenschaften spielen Konferenzbeiträge eine wichtige Rolle bei der Kommunikation neuer Forschungsergebnisse. Welche Rechte und Möglichkeiten haben Autor:innen, ihre Beiträge frei zugänglich zu veröffentlichen? Webinar - Registration required more

International OA Week at MPI Magdeburg - October 23, 2:00 - 2:30 pm

October 20,2023
“The DEAL is there - what now?” Jan Heiland, Scientist MPI CSC Group will talk about the new DEAL Contract with Elsevier.
October 12, 2023
SciFlow is an authoring platform which supports researcher to write, improve and format their academic texts. In this webinar the focus will be on understanding templates, collaboration with co-workers as well as showcasing new features. Registration is required. more
September 22, 2023
On September 6, 2023 a 5 years contract between the DEAL Consortium and Elsevier was concluded. The contract indcludes access to all journals of Elsevier as well as the possibility to publish open access in nearly all Elsevier journals. more

Preprint Citation Index - New Web of Science collection (free trial)

August 30, 2023
Preprint Citation Index is a multidisciplinary collection of preprints from a wide range of leading repositories, including arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv, medRxiv, and Within the Web of Science platform researchers can thus discover preprint records alongside peer-reviewed journal articles and other content sets. This simplifies the process of evaluating preprint quality and trustworthiness by connecting preprints to the versions of record or linking to other scholarly output from preprint authors and the citation network in Web of Science. Feel free to test them now.
August 4, 2023
The integration between ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global with the Web of Science enables seamless discovery of early career, post-graduate research from all around the world, alongside records for journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, preprints, patents, and more. Here you can take a look at the new index in Web of Science
June 23, 2023
Topic of the next online Coffee Lecture will be “EDMOND - the open data repository of MPSmore
21. März 2023
Auf welche Selektions- und Qualitätskriterien muss man achten, wie funktioniert der B!ISON Journal Recommender und welche anderen Möglichkeiten hat man, um passende Zeitschriften zu finden?   more
February 7, 2023
From February 13 to 17, 2023 this year´s international awareness week for data will provide you with lots of interesting events!
February 1, 2023
Topic of the next online Coffee Lecture will be “Publishing green open access - what should I do?” more
October 27, 2022
On November 3, 11:00 a.m. & November 22, 2:00 p.m. there will be a webinar “ Intro to SciFlow and new collaboration features - How researchers from Max Planck can collaborate on a publication with any researcher worldwide”.
Registration is required. more
August 2, 2022
Alle Interessierten innerhalb der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft ein, sich über diese vielfältigen Entwicklungen im Forschungsdatenmanagement auszutauschen more
June 3, 2022
As of June, 2022 SciFinder-n is available to all employees within the Max Planck Society.
SciFinder-n is the most comprehensive database for coverage of chemistry and chemical engineering. It has the world's largest collection of organic and inorganic substance information. more
May 30, 2022
VDE is one of the leading publishers of the German standards collection and offers electrotechnical safety standards. The NormenBibliothek standard portal provides online access to the entire DIN-VDE standard portfolio. more
MPDL has signed a new contract with Springer Nature to support OA Book Publishing. Authors affiliated with MPI will get a discount on the BPC (Book Processing Charge). more
EDMOND is the Open Research Data Repository of the Max Planck Society. To introduce new features MPDL will offer two virtual tutorials of 30 minutes with a short presentation, a live demonstration, and questions & answers. more
The workshop provides new opportunities to learn about best practices in scientific software development, like:
  • Seeing recent flagship projects in action.
  • Discussing software licensing and intellectual property issues.
  • Discovering new ways to make your software known and recognized
The workshop will be held in hybrid form, so you will be able to connect remotely or come to the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön. more
We have the pleasure to invite you for the first online course "Scopus Training for Starters" specially organized for our institute.
Scopus is one of the largest abstract and citation databases for peer-reviewed literature.
In this course from February 8th, 2022 at 3:00 pm- 4:00 pm, Eva Podgoršek, digital media specialist at Elsevier, will present you Scopus Basics.
If you are a new user of Scopus, or if you are a casual user who needs a refresher, this session is for you. So we would be glad if you could join and participate. This zoom training will be held in English.
If you cannot join the session, register anyway. The session will be recorded, and all registrants will get a follow up email with the recording link.
To save your seat, please register under "more".
RDMO for MPG is a free service of the Max Planck Digital Library for all Max Planck staff. The Research Data Management Organiser Software, RDMO, is used for this purpose.
Virtual tutorials will take place in January & February 2022. You will find the schedules & access infos in the LIBRARY INFO email to mpimit. more
It´s Quiztime: Check your knowledge on Open Access! more
Preprints: Forschungsergebnisse schnell und offen kommunizieren
(Dr. Stefan Schmeja, TIB) more
Where does the money come from?: How to finance Open Access Publishing
(Kristina Reinhold, MPI Library) more
Open Access Publishing - Zooming in on Copyright and CC Licenses
(Dr. Christoph Bruch, Helmholtz Open Science Office) more
LIVE Helpdesk: Your questions are welcome! You ask - we answer!
(Kristina Reinhold, MPI Library) more
Open Access Info Snacks: Choose a short videoclip on different topics regarding Open Access Publishing
(TIB AV-Portal / more
You would like to publish Open Access and don´t know how?: MPI Library support on Open Access Publishing
(Kristina Reinhold, MPI Library) more
Understanding the Idea of Open Access : Basic Knowledge of the transition from closed to Open Access
(Kristina Reinhold, MPI Library) more
October 13, 2021
MPDL is organizing this interesting online event over two half days. A main topic will be the relationship between Open Science and Good Scientific Practice. more
October 12, 2021
PhDnet in collaboration with the Max Planck Digital Library are relaunching the Open Access Ambassadors program under the new name Open Science Ambassadors (OSA). more
September 20, 2021
MPDL is organizing this interesting online event over two half days. A main topic will be the relationship between Open Science and Good Scientific Practice. more
September 17, 2021
Open for all employees of the MPS - Sharing experience with ELNs, best-practice workflows etc.... more
August 24,2021
The Passport For Open Science is a guide designed to accompany PhD students at every step of their research career, whatever their disciplinary field. It provides a set of tools and good practices that can be directly implemented. more
July 12, 2021
Open for all employees of the MPS - Sharing experience with ELNs, best-practice workflows etc.... more
July 9, 2021
On wednesdays at 1 p.m. until october there will be a talk
with latest information on Open Science best practice, tools, platforms, and regulations. more
June 22, 2021
The MPS has signed an agreement with CUP for publishing open access monographs. The agreement is valid between May 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023. There are a couple of conditions which must be met. more
March 4, 2021
This workshop will be held online (mostly in german) on May 5 and May 6. Registration is required. more
January 7, 2021
CAS has extended access to SciFinder-n due to COVID-19. Please feel free to use SciFinder-n instead of or in addition to SciFinder.
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