FAQ: Loans, Returns, Renewals...

FAQ: Loans, Returns, Renewals...

How can I borrow books?

Please come to the library office and bring your library card with you. We will charge your account. In case there is noone in the library office you will find a lending/return list near the library entrance. Please write down your username (number from the backside of your library card) and the book barcode (see back side, e.g. MA54$.....). As soon as we will be back in our office we will charge your account.

Please note: lending of ebooks is not possible. You can download them if you are within the IP range of MPI.

How can I return books?

Please come to the library office and bring your items with you. We will discharge your account. In case there is noone in the library office you will find a lending/return list near the library entrance. Please write down your username (number from the backside of your library card) and the book barcode (see back side, e.g. MA54$.....). As soon as we will be back in our office we will discharge your account.

How can I extend my books?

Please login to your library account.(username: number on the backside of your library card, password: the first three letters of your family name - default - or your own choosen password).

How long is the lending period?

The lending period for books is generelly 4 weeks. You are able to extend them up to 5 times if there is no reservation. You will get automatically a reminder by email if the loan period is over.

The book which I would like to borrow is currently on loan. What can I do?

If you find this information in the library catalog please click of "reserve" and login to your library account. (username: number on the backside of your library card, password: the first three letters of your family name - default - or your own choosen password). As soon as the item is returned to the library we will inform you.

I don´t find a book in the library. What can I do?

Please send us an order. You can choose wether you would like to get the item via Interlibrary loan or if you would like to do a proposal for our bookstock.











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