Prof. Dr-Ing. habil. Michael Mangold
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Process Synthesis and Process Dynamics
Process Synthesis and Process Dynamics
Main Focus
I am interested in mathematical methods and computational tools for model based analysis and process control of chemical and biological systems. Application examples vary and, so far, have been taken from Chemical Engineering (chemical reactors, granulators, crystallizers), Energy Systems (low temperature and high temperature fuel cell systems), and Systems and Synthetic Biology.
Current Research Projects:
- Methods and tools for automatical model reduction of population balance systems (project "Model based analysis and synthesis of a novel process for continuous separation of enantiomers" within the DFG research network SPP 1679; PhD student: Dmytro Khlopov)
- Mathematical modeling and model based analysis of synthetic cells (project C5 "Self-organizing systems from functional biomimetic modules" within the MaxSynBio network; PhD student: Eugenia Schneider)
- Methods for model identification and optimal experimental design of biological systems (project C5 "Self-organizing systems from functional biomimetic modules" within the MaxSynBio network; PhD student: Christian Wölfer)
- Computer tools ProMoT and Diana for computer aided modeling and dynamical analysis of chemical and biological processes ( Pro3 interns Anastasiia Novikova and Kyryl Kornieiew)
List of Publications:
- Please click here to download my list of publications.
Teaching Activities:
- Course State Estimation at Otto von Guericke University.
Curriculum Vitae
- apl. Professor for System Dynamics at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (2011)
- Habilitation at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering, thesis on "Computer Based Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Membrane Reactors and Fuel Cells" (2006)
- Dr.-Ing. degree from University of Stuttgart, thesis on "Nonlinear Analysis and Technical Application of Circulating Reaction Zones" (2000)
- Dipl.-Ing. degree in Technical Cybernetics from University of Stuttgart (1993)