Methanol Synthesis
Methanol is an important platform chemical. Traditionally it is produced in large scale from syngas using Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts under pressures between 50-60 bar and temperatures between 200-260°C under steady state conditions. In contrast to this, our research has been on dynamic operation with focus on the following topics.
Nonlinear behavior
Methanol synthesis is an exothermic reaction. Such reactions may give rise to self accelerating dynamics including instability and multiple steady states. It was shown for the first time that for a CO rich feed under the typical conditions applied in practice multiple steady states and static instabilities will not occur.
Forced periodic operation (SPP2080)
The objective of this project is to exploit the potential of forced periodic operation for improving methanol synthesis. Focus is on dynamic modeling and numerical multi-objective optimization of forced periodic to compare best possible steady state with best possible periodic operation.
Robust design and control of power-to-methanol processes (SPP2331)
The objective of this project is to exploit methods from machine learning for robust design and optimization of novel power-to methanol processes undergoing unavoidable fluctuations in the hydrogen supply. Focus is on hybrid modeling, robust design and novel control strategies.
- PCF group
- OML group
- Prof. Petkovska/Dr. Nikolic (Belgrade University)