Home Institute Divisions Library FAQ / How to.... Open Access FAQ: Open Access Publishing at MPI Where do I find an Open Access Journal in my research field? Please check the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).Or visit the MPI Open Access Publication Website and see where your colleagues publishes Open Access. How can I check if the Open Access Journal is a trusted one? Please visit think.check.submit and learn how to identify trusted journals and publisher.If you choose a journal listed in DOAJ it is a trusted one. Where do I get an overview of Open Acces Publications at MPI? Please visit MPI Open Access Publication Website. Which license should I choose for my Open Access Paper? The Max Planck Society has signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access. Following this statement the CC-BY License would be the best one. Learn more about CC-Licenses. Is there an Open Access Guideline at MPI Magdeburg? No, but for Max Planck Society, please see Berlin Declaration on Open Access. How can I check if the Article Process Charge (APC) is covered by Max Planck Society? Please check here.