Before Arrival
Planning your stay in Magdeburg
Before you go abroad for your studies or for a research visit at MPI Magdeburg you need to consider and prepare a great deal. The following information will give you an idea of what you need to do before your departure to Magdeburg/ Germany.
1. The most important issue for non EU citizens is Visa application.
2. Also some important documents are necessary for your research as well as for a study visit at the MPI Magdeburg.
General information on living and working in Germany can be found in our Guidelines for International Scientists at Max Planck Institutes by the Max Planck Society. The German government maintains the website Make it in Germany, a true treasure trove of information about work and everyday life in Germany. The EURAXESS web portal can be of great help to you with all your questions concerning the mobility of researchers.
Furthermore, you can find more information on important matters before starting your journey by visiting the welcome page of the city of Madeburg. There you can find valuabe information on everything important concerning your stay in Magdeburg.