Jun.Prof. Jan Heiland

Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
+49 391 6110-476

Main Focus

Broadly speaking, I investigate control problems that are formulated for so called differential-algebraic equations (DAEs), i.e. systems of equations where the variables have to obey both differential and algebraic relations. Beside from general statements about existence of solutions, I work on formulations that are beneficial for the approximate solution of the problems on the computer.

When it comes to solving complex problems on the computer, models of reduced order - a second research interest of mine - are necessary.

Over the last years, data-driven approaches, i.e. methods that extract properties or complete models from data, have become more and more important in my research.

The class of equations, I consider, contain the Navier-Stokes equations that are widely used for modelling and simulating flow phenomena.

Curriculum Vitae

Oct 2021 – Mar 2022
Professor for Data driven design of dynamical systems at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

May 2018 – today
Juniorprofessor at the OVGU Magdeburg

Nov 2013 – today

Researcher at Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Systems in Magdeburg

Oct 09 – Nov 13
Full-time research position at TU Berlin, department of mathematics

Jun 07 – Sep 09
Student Employee: Bombardier Transportation, department of aerodynamics: implementation of an automated approach for shape optimization, wind tunnel testings

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