Flagship Projects

Research Project

MaRDI: Mathematical Research Data Initiative
Partner: MaRDI Consortium
Funded by: DFG
Funding period: 2021-2026
Contact: Peter Benner, Jens Saak, Jan Heiland more
NFDI4Cat - NFDI for Catalysis-Related Sciences
Partner: NFDI4Cat Consortium
Funded by: DFG
Funding period: 10.2020-09.2025
Contact: Peter Benner more
South American Competence Center of Scientific Computing in Health Care and Climate (SaC3)
Funded by: DAAD
Funding period: since 09/2024
Contact: Peter Benner more
Linux-Cluster mechthild
Partner: MEGWARE Computer Vertrieb und Service GmbH
Funded by: MPI / MPG
Funding Period: since 12/2017
Contact: Peter Benner, Jens Saak, Martin Köhler more

Graduate schools

Partners: OvGU (FVST, FEIT, FMA, FNW), TU Braunschweig (InES)
Funding period: since 2007
Contact: Peter Benner
Associates: Lihong Feng, Sara Grundel, Sridhar Chellappa, Kirandeep Kour

DFG Research Training Group RTG 2297/1  - MathCoRe
Partner: PD Dr. Averkov, Prof. Benner, Prof. Findeisen, Jun.-Prof. Kahle, Prof. Kaibel, Prof. Kirch, Prof. Nill, Prof. Pott, Prof. Sager, Prof. Schwabe
Funded by: DFG
Funding period: since 2017
Contact: Peter Benner, Sebastian Sager (OvGU)
Associates: Sara Grundel, Jan Heiland, Shaima Monem Abdelhafez, Roman Weinhandl, Steffen Werner more

More projects can be found in the team descriptions, where they are associated. Concluded flagship projects are listed on the following pages.

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