Talk (25)

Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Gradient operation in preparative chromatography. 6th Dechema-Course "Design and Operation of Preparative and Production Scale Chromatographic Processes", Dortmund, Germany (2005)
Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Chemical Engineering Research Activities at the University and the Max Planck Institute in Magdeburg (Germany). Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, India (2005)
Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Preparative gradient chromatography. Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, India (2005)
Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Simulated Moving Bed Processes. Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, India (2005)
Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Chromatographic reactors. Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, India (2005)
Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Chemical Reaction Engineering Basics Required to Understand Membrane Reactors. Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, India (2005)
Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Crystallization of Enantiomers. Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, India (2005)
Seidel-Morgenstern, A.; Hamel, C.; Bron, M.; Claus, P.: Selectivity and Yield Improvement by Optimised Reactant. Chemical Reactor Engineering X : Innovation in Chemical Reactor Engineering, Zacatecas, Mexico (2005)
Shan, Y.; Damtew Hamza, A.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Preparative Gradient Elution Chromatography for the Optimized Separation of Ternary Mixtures. AIChE Annual Meeting 2005, Cincinnati, USA (2005)
Tien, D. V.; Grüner, S.; Kienle, A.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Analysis of Ester Hydrolysis Reactions in a Chromatographic Reactor Using Equilibrium Theory and a Rate Model. CAMURE-5 & ISMR-4 Symposium : 5th International Symposium on Catalysis in Multiphase Reactors & 4th International Symposium on Multifunctional Reactors, Portoroz-Portorose, Slovenia (2005)
Tota, A.; Hamel, C.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Experimentelle Untersuchung der mehrstufig verteilten Reaktandendosierung in Festbett-Membranreaktoren. GVC DECHEMA Jahrestagungen 2005, Wiesbaden (2005)
Tota, A.; Hamel, C.; Tsotsas, E.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Numerische Simulation von Festbett-Membranreaktoren. DECHEMA/GVC-Fachsektion "Reaktionstechnik", DECHEMA-Arbeitsausschuss "Technische Reaktionen", GVC-Fachausschüsse "Technische Reaktionsführung" und "Energieverfahrenstechnik", Bad Herrenalb, Germany (2005)
Wolff, M. W.; Salaklang, J.; Opitz, L.; Schwarzer, J.; Rapp, E.; Kalbfuss, B.; Reichl, U.: Development of a lectin-affinity chromatography step for the downstream processing of influenza virus vaccines. AICHE Annual Meeting 2005, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (2005)
Ziomek, G.; Elsner, M. P.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Analysis and optimization of different configurations for preferential crystallization. AIChE Annual Meeting 2005, Cincinnati, USA (2005)
Ziomek, G.; Shan, Y.; Antos, D.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Comparing Different Options How to Apply Five Identical Columns in Preparative Chromatography. PREP '05:18th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography, Philadelphia, USA (2005)

Poster (24)

Balleda, A.; Pushpavanam, S.; Nayak, D.; Gueorguieva, L.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Estimation of breakthrough behavior in fixed-bed and expanded-bed adsorption. PREP '05 :18th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography, Philadelphia, USA (2005)
Grandeury, A.; Perlberg, A.; Lorenz, H.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Chiral recognition during crystal growth of chiral molecules: Impact of the counter enantiomer on the crystal habit of pure mandelic acid. Annual Conference of the British Association for Crystal Growth 2005, University of Sheffield, UK (2005)
Hamel, C.; Bron, M.; Claus, P.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Experimental and model based study of the hydrogenation of acrolein to allyl alcohol in fixed-bed- and in membrane reactors. ICCMR-7 - 7th International Conference on Catalysis in Membrane Reactors, Cetraro, Italy (2005)
Hamel, C.; Bron, M.; Claus, P.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Experimentelle und modellgestützte Studie zur Hydrierung von Acrolein zu Allylalkohol in Festbett- und in Membranreaktoren. XXXVIII. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar (2005)
Haus, U.-U.; Michaels, D.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.; Weismantel, R.: Evaluating the Feasibility of SMB Chromatography for Reduced Efficiency and Purity Requirements. PREP '05, 18th International Symposium of Preparative and Industrial Chromatography, Philadelphia, USA (2005)
Ilic, M.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.; Petkovska, M.: A new method for determination of adsorption isotherms based on nonlinear frequency response: Experimental identification. 1st South East European Congress of Chemical Engineering (SEECChE 1), Belgrade, Serbia (2005)
Joshi, M.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Improved Exploitation of Fixed-Bed Reactor Experiments for Estimating Kinetic Parameters. AIChE Annual Meeting 2005, Cincinnati, USA (2005)
Joshi, M.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.; Kremling, A.: Improved Parameter Estimation and Accuracy Using the Bootstrap Method. AIChE Annual Meeting 2005, Cincinnati, USA (2005)
Keßler, L. C.; Voß, C.: A method for using batch adsorption and desorption as a fast capturing step in plasmid DNA purification. BioPerspectives 2005, Wiesbaden, Germany (2005)
Klose, F.; Wolff, T.; Suchorski, Y.; Weiß, H.: Oxidation state and reducibility of supported VOx catalysts under ambient pressure and ultra-high-vacuum conditions. EUROPACAT-VII, Sofia, Bulgaria (2005)
Klose, F.; Wolff, T.; Suchorski, Y.; Weiß, H.: Vanadiumoxid-Katalysatoren für die Selektivoxidation von Ethan - Zum Einfluss von Träger und Dotierungsgrad auf die Katalysatoreigenschaften. XXXVIII. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, Germany (2005)
Klose, F.; Wolff, T.; Tota, A.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.; Suchorski, Y.; Weiß, H.: Ethane oxidation in a catalytic membrane reactor. ICCMR-7 : 7th International Conference on Catalysis in Membrane Reactors, Cetraro, Italy (2005)
Öncül, A. A.; Elsner, M. P.; Thevenin, D.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Numerical Analysis of the Preferential Crystallization of Enantiomers in Complex Flows. BIWIC 2005 : 12th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, Halle (Saale), Germany (2005)
Perlberg, A.; Lorenz, H.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Aspects of crystal growth in chiral systems on the example of mandelic acid in water. ISIC 16 : 16th International Symposium on Industrial Crytallization, Dresden, Germany (2005)
Petrusevska, K.; Kuznetsov, M. A.; Gedicke, K.; Meshko, V.; Staroverov, S. M.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Enantioseparation of racemic mixtures of amino acids using high performance liquid chromatography. 1st South East European Congress of Chemical Engineering (SEECChE 1), Belgrade, Serbia (2005)
Polenske, D.; Lorenz, H.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Preferential crystallization: A concept applicable to true racemates? BIWIC 2005 : 12th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, Halle, Germany (2005)
Schlünder, E.-U.; Yang, J.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Competitive Diffusion and Adsorption of Gas Mixtures in Vycor Glass Membranes. ICCMR-7 : 7th International Conference on Catalysis in Membrane Reactors, Cetraro, Italy (2005)
Schwarzer, J.; Wolff, M. W.; Rapp, E.; Schmidt, J. K.; Reichl, U.: Glycosylation of Influenza A Virus Hemagglutinin. AICHE Annual Meeting 2005, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (2005)
Seebach, A.; Grandeury, A.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Kontinuierliche Enantiomerenanreicherung mit geprägten Polymermembranen. GVC DECHEMA Jahrestagungen 2005, Wiesbaden (2005)
Tota, A.; Hamel, C.; Klose, F.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Experimental and Model Based Study of Forced Temperature Profiles and Dosing Effects in a Multi-Stage Membrane Reactor. CAMURE-5 & ISMR-4 : 5th International Symposium on Catalysis in Multiphase Reactors & 4th International Symposium on Multifunctional Reactors, Portoroz-Portorose, Slovenia (2005)
Wolff, T.; Klose, F.; Suchorski, Y.; Joshi, M.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Ethane oxidation over γ-alumina supported VOx catalysts. EUROPACAT-VII, Sofia, Bulgaria (2005)
Zhang, W.; Shan, Y.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Breakthrough curves and elution profiles of single solutes in case of adsorption isotherms with inflection points. PREP '05, 18th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography, Philadelphia, USA (2005)
Zhang, W.; Shan, Y.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.; Zhang, Y.: Mass transfer of solutes in radial-flow chromatography. PREP '05, 18th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography, Philadelphia, USA (2005)
Ziomek, G.; Elsner, M. P.; Antos, D.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.: Comparison of different algorithms for process optimization in chemical engineering. GVC Dechema Jahrestagungen 2005, Wiesbaden, Germany (2005)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Schramm, H.: Neue Betriebsweisen und Prozessführungskonzepte für chromatographische Prozesse mit simuliertem Gegenstrom. Dissertation, Shaker, Aachen (2005)

Thesis - Diploma (1)

Thesis - Diploma
Iglesias Diaz, L.: Experimentelle und modellbasierte Studien zur Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf die Kinetik bei der "Bevorzugten Kristallisation" von Threonin. Diploma, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Magdeburg (2005)

Thesis - Master (1)

Thesis - Master
Gopalakrishnan, P.: Numerical Simulation of Packed Bed Membrane Reactor. Master, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, Germany (2005)

Report (1)

Seidel-Morgenstern, A.; Budde, U.; Lorenz, H.; Beckmann, W.; Brandt, A.; Gedicke, K.; Sapoundjiev, D.: Stofftrennung durch Kopplung von Chromatographie und Kristallisation: Abschlussbericht des Projektes NMT/CT/03C0319 im Rahmen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahme "Technische Anwendungen der Nichtlinearen Dynamik". (2005), VIII, 177 pp.
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