
Raum: Virtuell via Zoom

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Omar Ghattas, Parsimonious structure-exploiting deep neural network surrogates for large-scale Bayesian inverse problems

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe Virtuell: Prof. Omar Ghattas

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Wessling, Aachener Verfahrenstechnik: “Beyond fossils” - a biohybrid approach to new chemical value chains

MPI Kolloquiumsreihe: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Wessling, Aachener Verfahrenstechnik

Virtual Max Planck Colloquium: Dr. Laura Torrente, The role of green ammonia in a future carbon-free energy landscape, University of Cambridge

Virtual Max Planck Colloquium: Dr. Laura Torrente, The role of green ammonia in a future carbon-free energy landscap, University of Cambridge

Virtual Max Planck Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Selin Kara, Process engineering strategies towards efficient biocatalytic processes

Virtual Max Planck Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Selin Kara, Process engineering strategies towards efficient biocatalytic processes

Virtual Max Planck Colloquium: Prof. Raffaella Buonsanti, Colloidal nanocrystals to advance catalysis and energy technologies

Virtual Max Planck Colloquium: Prof. Raffaella Buonsanti, Colloidal nanocrystals to advance catalysis and energy technologies

Virtual Max Planck Colloquium: Prof. Cleo Kontoravdi, Imperial College London: Systems engineering for enhanced understanding and design of industrially relevant cellular systems

Virtual Max Planck Colloquium: Prof. Cleo Kontoravdi, Professor of Biological Systems Engineering, Imperial College London

Virtual Max Planck Colloquium: Prof. Charlotte Williams, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Oxford: Using Catalysis to Make and Recycle Polymers

Virtual Max Planck Colloquium: Prof. Charlotte Williams, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Oxford
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