Scientific Computing I / Wissenschaftliches Rechnen I (WiSe 2023/24)

The lecture will show the pratical implementation of standard numerical algorithmns. We focus on the special properties of the floating-point arithmetics and difficulties when formulating the algorithms in a high-level programming language, such as C. Utilities for searching fo errors and post proccessing of results will be explained, too. Additionally, existing software packages that are highly recommended for use in own implementations will be introduced.

Schedule - Certifications - Lecture Material - Homework and Exercises - Links

Schedule (preliminary)

Lecture:on Tuesday, 7:30 - 9:00 hrs. (G05-211)on Friday, 7:30 - 9:00 hrs. (G50-018)
Tutorial:on Monday, 17:15 - 18:45 hrs. (G22A-208) 


Criteria for getting a course assessment:

  • at least 50% of all possible points from the homework
  • at least 50% of the points in one homework ( on n-1 of n homework sheets)
  • demonstrate and explain at least one exercise in the tutorial

Other possibilities to get an assessment will be announced in the lecture.

Lecture Material

See the entry on the elearning platform of OVGU

Further Reading

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