Call for Abstracts
Now closed! Thank you for submiting your contributions and we are looking forward to meet you in Berlin!
Presenting at the GlycoBioTec2025
The GlycoBioTec2025 organizers are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract by 29 Nov 2024.
Abstracts can be submitted for oral presentations or poster presentations as part of the conference registration.
General information & format
Please note, an abstract template can be found here. We kindly encourage using the template to meet the criteria below.
- Please submit your abstract as a Word document.
- Abstracts should not exceed one page.
- Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words (excluding title, authors, affiliations and references).
- Font: 11 point Arial, 1.15 cm line spacing.
- Upper, lower, left and right page margins of 2.5 cm.
- Title should be in bold.
- The presenting author’s name should be underlined.
- Authors’ names should adopt the format of one or more initials followed by a surname (Example: JW Smith).
- Authors’ names should be separated by commas.
- Affilations should include name, city and country.