Franziska Emmerling
Sustainable Mechanochemical Reaction Engineering: from molecular mechanisms to scalable technology

Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin, Germany
Mechanochemistry is a promising approach for a more efficient and environmentally friendly chemical and materials synthesis. Transferring information gained from solution chemistry and using analytical tools for in situ investigations, we explore the interface between sustainable mechanochemical synthesis and a fundamental understanding of reaction mechanisms. Despite growing interest, the understanding of the underlying reactivity and selectivity mechanisms remains limited. Analytical techniques including time-resolved in situ powder X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, NMR, Raman spectroscopy, and thermography provide insights into mechanochemical transformations. Our results highlight the importance of time-resolved in situ studies in the fine-tuning and optimisation of mechanochemical processes. Bridging molecular insights with optimisation strategies, mechanochemistry is emerging as a transformative tool for sustainable synthetic pathways of functional materials with enhanced properties. Embracing concepts such as mechanochemistry and automation, we explore novel approaches to enhance efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. These advancements hold promise for a more sustainable future and open new horizons in fields such as energy transfer and storage. In this talk, we will discuss these developments with a particular focus on their use in manufacture of advanced functional materials including those for sustainable energy generation.
Short Bio:
Dr Franziska Emmerling is Head of the Department of Materials Chemistry at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany, and Privatdozent (lecturer) at the Department of Chemistry, Humboldt University, Berlin. She received her M.Sc. in Chemistry from the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg in 2001, her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the same university in 2004, and her Habilitation from the Humboldt University in 2018. Dr Emmerling's research focuses on understanding the fundamental processes involved in the synthesis and crystallisation of materials, and on the design, synthesis and characterisation of novel materials, with particular emphasis on their applications in green energy and catalysis. Dr Emmerling has made significant contributions to the development of mechanochemical synthesis methods for a wide range of materials. Her expertise extends to the development and use of synchrotron-based X-ray techniques, including diffraction and spectroscopy, to characterise materials and observe structural changes in situ. Dr Emmerling is a recognised expert in materials chemistry and mechanochemistry and serves as a reviewer for prestigious journals including Nature Communications and Angewandte Chemie. With a strong record of mentorship, Dr Emmerling has guided the research of numerous postdoctoral researchers and PhD, Masters and Bachelor students, leaving a lasting impact on the field of chemistry.