Control of simulated moving bed processes

Simulated moving bed processes are periodically switched nonlinear systems with distributed parameters for which (a) a relatively simple and elegant adaptive cycle-to-cycle control strategy and (b) more recently also optimization-based control strategies have been developed and evaluated experimentally for binary separations in cooperation with the PCF group. Current work is investigating ternary center cut separations, which play an important role in many bioseparations.

Cooperation partners

  • Prof. Seidel-Morgenstern, PCF group
  • Prof. Vande Wouwer, University of Mons, Belgium


[1] P. Suvarov, J.-W. Lee, A. Vande Wouwer, A. Seidel-Morgenstern, and A. Kienle. Online estimation of optimal operating conditions for simulated moving bed chromatographic processes. J. Chrom. A, 1602:266–272, 2019.
[2] J. W. Lee, A. Kienle, and A. Seidel-Morgenstern. On-line optimization of four-zone simulated moving bed chromatography using an equilibrium dispersion model: I. Simulation study. Chem. Eng. Sci., 225:115810, 2020.
[3] J. W. Lee, A. Kienle, and A. Seidel-Morgenstern. On-line optimization of four-zone simulated moving bed chromatography using an equilibrium dispersion model: II. Experimental validation. Chem. Eng. Sci., 226:115808, 2020.
[4] S. Engell and A. Kienle. Process control. In A. Seidel-Morgenstern H. Schmidt-Traub, M. Schulte, editor, Preparative Chromatography, 3rd Edition, pages 503–524. Wiley VCH, Weinheim, 2020.
[5] R. Pishkari and A. Kienle. Fast and accurate simulation of simulated moving bed chromatographic processes with linear adsorption isotherms. In Computer Aided Chem. Eng., 48:487-492, 2020.
[6] V. Chernev, A. Vande Wouwer, and A. Kienle. Efficient simulation of chromatographic processes using the conservation element/ solution element method. Processes, 8(10):1316, 2020.

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