Numerical Linear Algebra (Eigenvalue Problems)

Die Vorlesung beschäftigt sich mit numerischen Verfahren zur Lösung großer Eigenwertprobleme.


Lecture: on Mondays, 13:00 - 15:00 hrs., G10-460 on Thursdays, 07.00 - 9:00 hrs., G02-111 Tutorial: on Mondays, 15.00 - 16:30 hrs., G22A-119


Criteria for getting a course assessment:

  • at least 50% of all possible points from the homework
  • at least 50% of the points in 4 homeworks
  • demonstrate and explain at least one exercise in the tutorial

Recommended Literature

Matrix Computations, Golub, van Loan

Teaching Material

Homework and Exercises


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