Home Research Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory Teaching WS 2015/16 NLA Numerical Linear Algebra (Eigenvalue Problems) Die Vorlesung beschäftigt sich mit numerischen Verfahren zur Lösung großer Eigenwertprobleme. Schedule - Certifications - Recommended Literature - Teaching Material - Homework and Exercises - Links Schedule Lecture: on Mondays, 13:00 - 15:00 hrs., G10-460 on Thursdays, 07.00 - 9:00 hrs., G02-111 Tutorial: on Mondays, 15.00 - 16:30 hrs., G22A-119 Certifications Criteria for getting a course assessment: at least 50% of all possible points from the homework at least 50% of the points in 4 homeworks demonstrate and explain at least one exercise in the tutorial Recommended Literature Matrix Computations, Golub, van Loan Teaching Material Folie QR Paper JNF MGS Homework 6 Matrix A Homework 6 Homework and Exercises Exercise 1 - Discussion 10/19/2015 Homework 1 - Deadline 10/22/2015, Discussion 10/26/2015 Exercise 2 - Discussion 11/02/2015 Homework 2 - Deadline 11/05/2015, Discussion 11/09/2015 Exercise 3 - Discussion 11/16/2015 Homework 3 - Deadline 11/19/2015, Discussion 11/23/2015 Exercise 4 - Discussion 11/16/2015 Homework 4 - Deadline 12/03/2015, Discussion 12/07/2015 Exercise 5 - Discussion 12/14/2015 Homework 5 - Deadline 01/07/2016, Discussion 01/11/2016 Exercise 6 - Discussion 01/18/2016 Homework 6 - Deadline 01/21/2016, Discussion 01/25/2016 Links