Scientific Computing I
The lecture will show the pratical implementation of standard numerical algorithmns. We focus on the special properties of the float-pointing arithmetics and difficulties on reformulating the algorithms in a highlevel programming language such as C. Utilities for searching errors and post proccessing of results will be explained too. Additionally, existing software packages that should be used in own implementations will be introduced.
Schedule - Certifications - Recommended Literature - Teaching Material - Homework and Exercises - Links
Lecture: | on Mondays, 9:15 - 10:45 hrs., G05-209 | on Wednesdays, 15.15 - 16:45 hrs., G22A-105 |
Tutorial: | on Fridays , 9:15 - 10:45 hrs., G05-312 |
Criteria for getting a course assessment:
- at least 50% of all possible points from the homework
- at least 50% of the points in one homework ( on n-1 of n homework sheets)
- demonstrate and explain at least one exercise in the tutorial
Other possibilities to get an assessment will be announced in the lecture.
Recommended Literature
E-Books see Links section
Teaching Material
- Virtual Machine for the Exercises (removed)
- Handout 1 Bash Special Characters
- Handout 2 Regular Expressions
- Git Cheat Sheet from GitHub
- Handout 3 Common GCC Options
- Handout 4 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
- Handout 5 Rounding Errors and Error Propagation
- Handout 6 IEEE754
- Handout 7 Error Concepts,Stability and Conditioning
- Handout 8 Memory Architecture and Memory Management
- Handout 9 Projection Methods and Conjugate Gradients
Homework and Exercises
- Exercise 1 - 10/17/2014 - Linux Basics
- Exercise 2 - 10/24/2014 - Linux Basics
- Homework 1 - Return at 11/05/2014 - Review 11/07/2014 - data for exercise 5: easy_awk.txt
- Homework 2 - Return at 11/12/2014 - Review 11/14/2014 - data for exercise 4: sum_data.tar.gz (sample_10.txt, sample_100.txt, sample_1000.txt, sample_2000.txt) - valgrind demonstration code: demo_valgrind.c - Solution of the max-sum problem: maxsum1.c maxsum2.c maxsum3.c
- Homework 3 - Return at 11/19/2014 - Review 11/21/2014 - Solutions of the tutorial part: tutorial03a.pdf
- Homework 4 - Return at 11/26/2014 - Review 11/28/2014
- Homework 5 - Return at 12/03/2014 - Review 12/05/2014
- Homework 6 - Return at 12/10/2014 - Review 12/12/2014
- Homework 7 - Return at 12/17/2014 - Review 12/19/2014
- Homework 8 - Return at 01/07/2015 - Review 01/09/2015 - Skeleton Exercise 3: tr_solve_skeleton.tar.gz - Skeleton Exercise 4: linearsolve.tar.gz
- Homework 9 - Released: 01/07/2015 - Return at 01/14/2014 - Review 01/16/2015
- Homework 10 - Released: 01/14/2015 - Return at 01/21/2014 - Review 01/23/2015 - Skeleton Exercise 3: lu_solve_skeleton.tar.gz
- Homework 11 - Released: 01/21/2015 - Return at 01/28/2014 - Review 01/30/2015 - Skeleton Exercise 2: skeleton_sparse.tar.gz
- - Linux Book from Gallileo Computing (german)
- - Shell Programming Book from Gallileo Computing (german)
- - Linux WikiBook (german)
- - Linux WikiBook (english)
- - Overview about (ancient) floating point formats