PD Dr. Ronny Straube
Analysis and Redesign of Biological Networks
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Main Focus
Design principles of biological networks
- Analysis of network motifs
- Noise characteristics of cellular networks (->LiNA)
- Spatio-temporal aspects of signal transduction
- Asymptotic methods in mathematical biology
Curriculum Vitae
September - October 2012
since June 2011
June 2011
2007 - May 2011
2005 - 2006
1996 - 2001
Guest scientist at Xiamen University (China)
since June 2011
Team leader in the Research Group Analysis and Redesign of Biological Networks (Dr. Steffen Klamt) at the MPI Magdeburg
June 2011
Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) and venia legendi in Theoretical Physics (University of Magdeburg)
2007 - May 2011
Research fellow in the Systems Biology group (Prof. Ernst Dieter Gilles) at the MPI Magdeburg
2005 - 2006
Research fellow in the department of Theoretical Physics (PD Dr. Martin Falcke) at the Hahn Meitner Institute Berlin2002 - 2005
PhD student in the Biophysics group (Prof. Stefan C. Müller) at the University of Magdeburg
Dr. rer. nat. in Physics, 2006
1996 - 2001
Study of Physics at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
Diploma in Physics, 2001