Dr.-Ing. Oliver Hädicke
Analysis and Redesign of Biological Networks
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Main Focus
- Reconstruction and analysis of stoichiometric networks
- Optimization of biotechnological processes
- Analysis of 13C labeling experiments
- Thermodynamic analyses of stoichiometric networks
- Method development for prediction of gene knockout/overexpression candidates for rational strain design
- Klamt S, Mahadevan R, Hädicke O (2017) When do two-stage processes outperform one-stage processes? Biotechnology Journal, PubMed
- Klamt
S, Hädicke O, Thiele S, von Kamp A (2017) Use of CellNetAnalyzer in
biotechnology and metabolic engineering. Journal of Biotechnology, OpenAccess
- Hädicke O, Klamt S (2017) EColiCore2:
a reference network model of the central metabolism of Escherichia coli
and relationships to its genome-scale parent model. Scientific reports, OpenAccess
- Hädicke O, Klamt S (2015) Manipulation of the ATP pool as a tool for metabolic engineering. Biochemical Society Transactions, PubMed
Hädicke O, Bettenbrock K, Klamt S (2015) Enforced ATP futile cycling increases specific productivity and yield of anaerobic lactate production in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 112 (10), PubMed
Hädicke O, (2014) Modellbasierte Identifizierung von Interventionsstrategien für
Stoffwechselnetzwerke. PhD, 182 pp. Shaker Verlag GmbH, Aachen, OpenAccess
- Klamt
S, Hädicke O, von Kamp A (2014) Stoichiometric and Constraint-Based
Analysis of Biochemical Reaction Networks. Large-Scale Networks in
Engineering and Life Sciences. Edited by Benner P, Findeisen R,
Flockerzi D, Reichl U and Sundmacher K, Springer, pp.263-316. Springer
- Lohr
V, Hädicke O, Genzel Y, Jordan I, Buentemeyer H, Klamt S, Reichl U
(2014) The avian cell line AGE1.CR.pIX characterized my metabolic flux
analysis. BMC Biotechnology 14:72. Open Access
- Gruchattka
E, Hädicke O, Klamt S, Schuetz V, Kayser O (2013) In silicio profiling
of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as terpenoid factories.
Microbial Cell Factories 12:84. Open Access
- Hädicke O, Lohr V, Genzel Y, Reichl U, Klamt S
(2013) Evaluating differences of metabolic performances: Statistical
methods and their application to animal cell cultivations. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 10: 2633-2643. PubMed
- Carius L, Hädicke O, Grammel H (2013) Stepwise reduction of the
culture redox potential allows the analysis of microaerobic metabolism
and photosynthetic membrane synthesis in Rhodospirillum rubrum. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 10:573-85. PubMed
- Hädicke O,
Grammel H and Klamt S (2011) Metabolic network modeling of redox
balancing and biohydrogen production in purple nonsulfur bacteria. BMC Systems Biology 5:150. Open Access
- Hädicke O and Klamt S (2011) Computing complex metabolic intervention strategies using constrained minimal cut sets. Metabolic Engineering 13:204-213. PubMed
- Hädicke O and Klamt S (2010) CASOP: a computational approach for strain optimization aiming at high productivity. Journal of Biotechnology 147:88-101. PubMed