Structured Dynamical Systems

Structured Dynamical Systems

Accurate modeling of dynamical systems is crucial for engineering studies. Typically, dynamical processes have intrinsic structures, including time-delays, second-order and factional derivatives. These processes may be subjected to stochastic and switching behaviors. The SDS team dedicates its efforts to develop new theoretical and computational results to allow efficient simulation, optimization, and control for high-fidelity structured models.


Non-intrusive Model Reduction for Mechanical Systems

Funded by:  MPI
Funding period: Since 2021
Contact: Yevgeniya Filanova, Igor Pontes Duff, Peter Benner

Identification of Dominant Subspaces for Structured Dynamical Systems

Funded by:  MPI
Funding period: Since 2019
Contact: Igor Pontes Duff, Pawan Goyal, Peter Benner

Model Reduction for Dynamical Systems with Structured Nonlinearities

Funded by:  MPI
Funding period: Since 2019
Contact: Igor Pontes Duff, Peter Benner
Model Reduction of Switched and Hybrid Systems

Model Reduction of Switched and Hybrid Systems

Funded by:  MPI
Funding period: Since 2017
Contact: Igor Pontes Duff, Peter Benner
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