Dr.-Ing. Peter Schulze
Physical and Chemical Foundations of Process Engineering
Main Focus
Renewable Carbon Resources
- Lignocellulose Biorefinery
- CO2 Direct Air Capture
- Chemical Engineering
- Separation Processes
Current Projects:
Autothermal Direct Air Capture (aDAC) for a Circular Carbon Economy (Unfunded collaborator)
Curriculum Vitae
Max Planck Institute
for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, GER
Teamleader Renewable Carbon Resources (full-time employed) 2023-Present
Scientific Chemical Process Engineering Consultancy SChPrEngCo, Magdeburg, GER
Founder and Freelancing Consultant (part-time self-employed) 2018-Present
Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, GER
PhD (Dr.-Ing.), Chemical Process Engineering (summa cum laude)
Dissertation: Lignin Separation from Ethanol Water Pulping Liquors 2018
Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, GER
Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.), Chemical Process Engineering 2010
Max Planck Institute
for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, GER
Postdoctoral Research Associate (full-time employed) 2018-2022
Arizona State University,
Center for Negative Carbon Emission, Tempe, Arizona, US
Visiting Scientist for CO2 Direct Air Capture 10/2019-03/2020
Max Planck Institute
for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, GER
Doctoral Research Associate 2013-2018
Sodawerk Staßfurt GmbH & Co.KG (CIECH Soda Deutschland)
R&D Engineer and Project Engineer 2010-2013