Identification of Short-Lived Intermediates in Artificial Photosynthesis
The research group Molecular Simulations and Design at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburgp has identified short-living intermediates in the reaction cycle of photo-induced proton reduction together with its collaboration partners from Ångstrom Laboratories in Uppsala, Sweden.

The research group Molecular Simulations and Design around Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Stein at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg has identified short-living intermediates in the reaction cycle of photo-induced proton reduction together with its collaboration partners from Ångstrom Laboratories in Uppsala, Sweden.
By using a Ruthenium-photosensitizer, the rates of electron transfer and proton transfer were obtained from a combination of laser-quench and time-resolved infrared spectroscopy. Hydrogen evolution was observed from a proton-reducing iron-based catalyst.
The investigations show that the intermediates are different from those obtained from slower electrochemical experiments and were never observed before.