Raum: Großer Seminarraum "Prigogine" Gastgeber: DECHEMA und Max-Planck-Institut Magdeburg Ort: Max-Planck-Institut Magdeburg

DECHEMA Kolloquium: Continuous Manufacturing: Old Concept - New Applications

DECHEMA Kolloquium: Continuous Synthesis: Old Concept - New Applications
The large scale production of bulk chemicals is performed in the chemical process industry frequently applying continuously operated reaction and separation processes. In the fields of “Flow chemistry” and “Continuous Manufacturing” there are currently significant efforts to apply similar principles for the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, which is traditionally based on batch processes. The current status will be discussed and similarities and differences between the two fields will be highlighted. [mehr]

DECHEMA-Kolloquium "Rohstoffe aus Abfällen: Neue Konzepte für die zukünftige Kreislaufwirtschaft"

DECHEMA-Kolloquium "Rohstoffe aus Abfällen: Neue Konzepte für die zukünftige Kreislaufwirtschaft"

DECHEMA Regionalkolloquium "Smart Process Systems: Nachhaltige Produktion von Chemikalien und Materialien"

DECHEMA Regionalkolloquium "Smart Process Systems: Nachhaltige Produktion von Chemikalien und Materialien"
Zur Redakteursansicht