Publikationen von Seong-Min Jo

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Jo, S.-M.; Wurm, F.; Landfester, K.: Oncolytic nanoreactors producing hydrogen peroxide for oxidative cancer therapy. Nano Letters 20 (1), S. 526 - 533 (2019)
Ma, B. C.; Caire da Silva, L.; Jo, S.-M.; Wurm, F.; Bannwarth, M.; Zhang, K. A. I.; Sundmacher, K.; Landfester, K.: Polymer‐based module for NAD+ regeneration with visible light. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology 20 (20), S. 2529 - 2682 (2019)
Jo, S.-M.; Wurm, F. R.; Landfester, K.: Biomimetic Cascade Network between Interactive Multicompartments Organized by Enzyme-Loaded Silica Nanoreactors. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10 (40), S. 34230 - 34237 (2018)
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