Publikationen der MSD-Gruppe

Zeitschriftenartikel (105)

Ilter, M.; Escorcia Cabrera, A.; Schulze-Niemand, E.; Naumann, M.; Stein, M.: Activation and Reactivity of the Deubiquitinylase OTU Cezanne-2 from MD Simulations and QM/MM Calculations. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 65 (2), S. 921 - 936 (2025)
Kweyu, C. M.; Khoromskaia, V.; Khoromskij, B.; Stein, M.; Benner, P.: Solution Decomposition for the Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann Equation using the Range-Separated Tensor Format. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 47 (1), S. B87 - B107 (2025)
Otta, J.; Mikuláštík, J.; Šípka, R.; Stein, M.; Kühne, I. A.; Vrňata, M.; Vlček, J.: Fullerene-Doped Poly(ionic liquids) as Small Molecular Gas Sensors─Control of Intermolecular Interactions. ACS Omega 10 (1), S. 1364 - 1372 (2025)
Agarwal, T.; Joshi, M.; Ritu; Stein, M.; Kaur-Ghumaan, S.: Design of Rigidified μ-(9-Fluorenethiolate) {FeFe} Hydrogen Evolving Catalysts. Organometallics 43 (24), S. 3096 - 3105 (2024)
Coux, O.; Farràs, R.; Abbas, M.; Barrio, R.; Blattner, C.; Brix, K.; Chachami, G.; Chevet, E.; Clague, M. J.; Dantuma, N. et al.; Rankov, A. D.; Galdeano, C.; Giglione, C.; Glickman, M. H.; Lalmanach, G.; Lindon, C.; Matthiesen, R.; Meroni, G.; Pick, E.; Poidevin, L.; Rivas, C.; Rodriguez, M. S.; Sammler, E.; Shiber, A.; Skoulakis, E. M.C.; Stein, M.; Vertegaal, A. C.O.: ProteoCure: A European network to fine-tune the proteome. Biochimie 226, S. 4 - 9 (2024)
Güner, E.; Özkan, Ö.; Yalçin-Özkat, G.; Ölgen, S.: Determination of Novel SARS-CoV-2 Inhibitors by Combination of Deep Learning, In silico Analysis and Similarity Search. Medicinal Chemistry 20 (2), S. 153 - 231 (2024)
Hussein, F. A.; Joshi, M.; Kaur-Ghumaan, S.; Stein, M.: Hydrogen Evolving Mono‐Nuclear Manganese Complexes with Carefully Positioned Pyridine Base Ligands. ChemCatChem 16 (18), e202400450 (2024)
Jameel, F.; Stein, M.: Chemical accuracy for ligand-receptor binding Gibbs energies through multi-level SQM/QM calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, S. 21197 - 21203 (2024)
Özkiliç, Y.; Stein, M.: Modelling the elusive conformational activation in kynurenine 3-monooxygenase. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 22, S. 6550 - 6560 (2024)
Raabe, J.-C.; Jameel, F.; Stein, M.; Albert, J.; Poller, M. J.: Heteroelements in polyoxometalates: a study on the influence of different group 15 elements on polyoxometalate formation. Dalton Transactions 53, S. 454 - 466 (2024)
Tenberg, V.; Sadeghi, M.; Schultheis, A.; Joshi, M.; Stein, M.; Lorenz, H.: Aqueous solution and solid-state behaviour ofl-homophenylalanine: experiment, modelling, and DFT calculations. RSC Advances 14, S. 10580 - 10589 (2024)
Barrera, J.; H. Haeri, H.; Heinrich, J.; Stein, M.; Hinderberger, D.; Kulak, N.: Impact of N-heteroaromatic N-termini in Cu(ii) ATCUN metallopeptides on their biorelevant redox activity. Dalton Transactions 52 (11), S. 3279 - 3286 (2023)
Creutznacher, R.; Schulze-Niemand, E.; König, P.; Stanojlovic, V.; Mallagaray, A.; Peters, T.; Stein, M.; Schubert, M.: Conformational Control of Fast Asparagine Deamidation in a Norovirus Capsid Protein. Biochemistry 62 (5), S. 1032 - 1043 (2023)
Gavutis, M.; Schulze-Niemand, E.; Lee, H.-H.; Liedberg, B.; Stein, M.; Valiokas, R.: Bilayer lipid membrane formation on surface assemblies with sparsely distributed tethers. Nanoscale 15, S. 9759 - 9774 (2023)
Gerlach, M.; Jameel, F.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.; Stein, M.; Hamel, C.: Operando characterization of rhodium catalyst degradation in hydroformylation. Catalysis Science & Technology 13 (6), S. 1788 - 1801 (2023)
Ilter, M.; Schulze-Niemand, E.; Naumann, M.; Stein, M.: Structural Dynamics of Lys11-Selective Deubiquitinylase Cezanne-1 during the Catalytic Cycle. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 63 (7), S. 2084 - 2094 (2023)
Kaim, V.; Joshi, M.; Stein, M.; Kaur-Ghumaan, S.: Mono-nuclear ruthenium catalyst for hydrogen evolution. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (79), S. 30718 - 30731 (2023)
Karacelik, A. A.; Yalçin-Özkat, G.: Mentha longifolia ssp. longifolia Essential Oil Components as Novel Carbonic Anhydrase Isoform i and IX Inhibitors: Biological and Molecular Docking Studies. Letters in Drug Design and Discovery 20 (6), S. 767 - 778 (2023)
Kumar, R.; Stein, M.: The Fully Oxidized State of the Glutamate Coordinated O2-Tolerant [NiFe]-Hydrogenase Shows a Ni(III)/Fe(III) Open-Shell Singlet Ground State. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, S. 10954 - 10959 (2023)
Kweyu, C. M.; Feng, L.; Stein, M.; Benner, P.: Reduced Basis Method for the Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann Equation regularized by the Range-Separated Canonical Tensor Format. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 24 (8), S. 2915 - 2935 (2023)
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