Dr. Petar Mlinarić
Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory
Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme
Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme
- H2-optimal model order reduction
- Structure-preserving model order reduction
- Mathematical software
- 01/2020 - 07/2021: Postdoctoral researcher
- Working within the pyMOR DFG project
- 09/2014 - 12/2019: PhD student, Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
- PhD student of the "International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Advanced Methods in Process and Systems Engineering (Magdeburg)"
- 09/2012 - 07/2014: Master studies in applied mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Master's thesis: Approximation of linear dynamical systems in H2 space
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Zlatko Drmač
- 09/2009 - 06/2012: Bachelor studies in mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
System‐theoretic model order reduction with pyMOR,
Linus Balicki, Petar Mlinarić, Stephan Rave, Jens Saak,
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 19, pp. e201900459, November 2019. -
An H2⊗L2-Optimal Model Order Reduction Approach for Parametric Linear Time‐Invariant Systems,
Manuela Hund, Petar Mlinarić, Jens Saak,
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 18, pp. e201800084, December 2018. -
Model Reduction of Linear Multi-Agent Systems by Clustering with H2 and H∞ Error Bounds,
Hidde-Jan Jongsma, Petar Mlinarić, Sara Grundel, Peter Benner, Harry L. Trentelman,
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-38, April 2018. (arXiv preprint)
Synchronization and Aggregation of Nonlinear Power Systems with Consideration of Bus Network Structures,
Petar Mlinarić, Takayuki Ishizaki, Aranya Chakrabortty, Sara Grundel, Peter Benner, Jun-ichi Imura,
Proceedings of the 2018 European Control Conference (ECC), November 2018. (arXiv preprint)
Stability Preserving Model Reduction for Linearly Coupled Linear Time-Invariant Systems,
Peter Benner, Sara Grundel, Petar Mlinarić,
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 16, pp. 817-818, October 2016. -
Clustering-Based Model Order Reduction for Multi-Agent Systems with General Linear Time-Invariant Agents,
Petar Mlinarić, Sara Grundel, Peter Benner,
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), pp. 230-235, July 2016. -
Efficient Model Order Reduction for Multi-Agent Systems Using QR Decomposition-Based Clustering,
Petar Mlinarić, Sara Grundel, Peter Benner,
Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 4794-4799, December 2015.
- pyMOR - Model Order Reduction with Python