Resilience Training for Researchers
Resilience Training for Researchers
- Beginn: 23.09.2024
- Ende: 22.11.2024
- Ort: Online Training
- Gastgeber: IMPRS
Many researchers find the stress of academia challenging. After all, researchers tend to taste failure more often than success in their day-to-day experiments. Constantly thinking about your research (especially outside of working hours), the pressure to publish and the uncertainty about the next position are likely some of the factors that make researchers more prone to mental health conditions than other professional groups. The 2019 Wellcome Trust Mental Health Survey revealed that one in two researchers have had or are currently seeking professional help for mental health challenges.
Therefore, it is crucial to equip researchers with the skills to build personal resilience to deal with stress and setbacks constructively. Different from what many people believe, resilience is a skill that anyone can learn. This workshop provides the tools and techniques that will teach you sustainable, resilience-building habits.
Past participants report significant increases in their resilience scores (from lowest to the third quartile), higher energy levels (86%) and motivation (86%), improved ability to deal with setbacks (95%) and resolve conflicts (91%). Interviews with past participants are available here:
Weekly 2-hour live workshops via Zoom video conference (Mon 16-18 CET/Berlin) hosted by two experienced mental health facilitators, including interactive breakout sessions with your peers
Self-study workbooks with evidence-based resilience-boosting strategies with actionable feedback on weekly course assignments on a dedicated private community platform
Private community that allows you to interact with peers and exchange additional resources
On-demand resource area with workshop recordings, workbooks and additional resources
Personal Resilience Indicator (PRI) diagnostic with a personalized report at the beginning and end of the training
Start: Monday, Sep 23
Duration: weekly Monday workshops via Zoom @16-18 CET/Berlin for 9 consecutive weeks Sep 23 until Nov 22)
Time required: approx. 3-4 hours each week (incl. attendance of the weekly workshops)
Please set aside 1 hour in the week before the course (week of Sep 16) to complete the onboarding process.
Language: English
Certificate: Issued upon completion (requires attendance of workshops and completion of weekly assignments in the private course community)
Trainers: Dr Nadine Sinclair and Paul Sinclair (Mind Matters)
Sign-up deadline: Friday, Sep 13
We will hold an informal (optional) info meeting for those interested in participating in the Resilience Training to ask any questions before the final sign-up deadline.
Friday, Aug 30 @10-10:30 CET/Berlin
Zoom ID: 849 9159 2400
Passcode: 252528
Meeting link:
A sign-up for this meeting is not required - those interested in the course can join if needed.